PLAB Pass rate according to year: 2016-2020

PLAB means professional linguistic accessment board. It is a licensing exam for doctors in United Kingdom.
You have to practice in UK as a physician you have to  participate in this examination.
We have given some information and idea for preparation of the PLAB exam.
PLAB 1 pass rate vary year by year. But average pass rate is in range (63-74)% or average 68.75% (average before last five year Pass rate). On the other Hand, PLAB 2 pass rate also vary year by year. But average pass rate is in range (65-78)% or average 71.5% (average before last five year PLAB 2 Pass rate).

PLAB 1 Pass rate 

PLAB 1 test 
Passing candidates
Passed candidates Out of sat candidates
2021 upcomingupcoming
202069%7384 out of 10,601
2019 63%7014 out of 11,118
2018 69%5239 out of 7559
2017 75%4089 out of 5411
2016 74%2471 out of 3314

PLAB 2 Pass rate 

PLAB 2 test 
Passing candidates
Passed candidates Out of sat candidates
2021 upcomingupcoming
202066%2438 out of 3654
2019 66%5820 out of 8709
2018 65%3428 out of 5229
201778%2333 out of 2966
2016 73%1798 out of 2454
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