FCPS Examination January 2023 notice

FCPS Examination notice January 2023 registration Fee for new candidates
Name of Examination | Registration + Examination Fee |
FCPS part 1 | Tk. 11,000 BDT |
FCPS part 1 (Additional subject / subject change) | Tk. 11,000 BDT |
Preliminary FCPS Part II (Applicable for 4 yr fellowship program) | Tk. 13,500 BDT |
FCPS mid term (Applicable for 5 yr fellowship program and Pass FCPS part 1 January 2020 or later) | Tk. 13,500 BDT |
FCPS part II (final), FCPS (subspecialty) | Tk. 15,000 BDT |
MCPS | Tk. 15,000 BDT |
FCPS Examination notice January 2023 registration Fee for old candidates
Name of Examination | Registration + Examination Fee |
FCPS part 1 | Tk. 10,000 BDT |
Preliminary FCPS Part II (Applicable for 4 yr fellowship program) | Tk. 12,000 BDT |
FCPS mid term (Applicable for 5 yr fellowship program and Pass FCPS part 1 January 2020 or later) | Tk. 12,000 BDT |
FCPS part II (final), FCPS (subspecialty) | Tk. 13,5000 BDT |
MCPS | Tk. 13,5000 BDT |
FCPS part II (final), Preliminary FCPS part II, FCPS (Subspecialty) & those who obtained at least 15 grade in the previous written exam & mcps examinee who obtained 100 marks in the previous written exam, thet wilk be eligible only for the next two consecutive exam. | Tk. 12,000 BDT |
Read more about FCPS:
- How to read for FCPS Part 1 Medicine : a Study Plan
- Advantage and Disadvantage of FCPS and MD and deference Between FCPS and MD
- FCPS Pass rate July 2022
- FCPS part 1 Syllabus