Final Prof exam Nov 2021 – Medicine Paper II Rajshahi University
Final Professional MBBS (November) Examination, 2021
Short Answer Questions (SAQ)
Full Marks: 70
Time:2 hours 30 mins
(N.B.: Each question canies equal marks. Answer any SEVEN questions from each group. USE SEPARATE ANSWER
Group-A( 5×7-35marks)
- A 40-ycar-old male presented with fever for three months. On examination, hepatosplenomegaly was found
(a) What are the possibilities? (b) How will you investigate him? - A 30-year-old female presented with fever and unconsciousness for three days
(a) What are the differentiatc diagnoses? (b) How history and physical examination will help you to reach your clinical diagnosis? - A 50-year-old male presented with well-defined erythematous, dry plaques of various sizes covered by silvery-white,
lamellar scales on scalp, extensor surfaces of limbs, umbilical region and sacrum.
(a) What is your provisional diagnosis? What are the types of discase? How will you diagnose and manage this case? - A 25-year-old male developed a painful group of vesicles followed by ulcerations with a burning sensation on his
penis for two days following sexual exposure with a commercial sex worker.
(a) What is your provisional diagnosis? Name two other painful ulcerated STDs.
(b) How will you diagnose and manage this case? - (a) Name four dermatological discases presenting with itching? (b) How will you manage a case with atopic eczema?
- (a) How will you diagnose a case of schizophrenia? (b) Name some commonly used antipsychotics with their adverse
effects. - (a) What are the types of anxiety disorders? (b) How will you differentiate them clinically?
- (a) What are the clinical features of biopolar disorder? (b) How will you manage this condition?
(Answer five questions. Each question carries equal marks 5×7-3Smarks)
- (a) What are the common causes of neonatal convulsion? (b) Write down the treatment of neonatal septicaemia.
- (a) Classify dehydration based on clinical signs in a child presenting with diarrhoea.
(b) An 18-month-old child weighing 10 kg presented with acute watery dirrahoca with severe dehydration. How will you manage the case? What may be the complication if untreated? - (a) Which antiviral vaccines are included in the EPI schedule? What is an adverse event following immunization (AEF12
(b) Write down the five common causes of fever with rash. How will you investigate a case of Dengue fever? - A 3-year-old child presented with swelling of the whole body for two weeks
(a) What are the possible diagnoses? (b) How will you manage a child with nephrotic syndrome? - A 4-ycar-boy was brought to the pacdiatric ward with a history of recurrent right knee joint swelling following minor
Irauma. His elder brother suffered from a similar type of illness
(a) What is your diagnosis? How will you investigate the child?
(b) Give the guideline of treatment? How will you counsel the parents? - (a) What are growth and development? What are the factors influencing growth and development?
(b) What are the domains of development? When will you suspect that a child has a developmental delay?
(Answer any five questions. Each carries equal marks (5×3.5-17.5)
- (a) What are the common causes short stature? (b) How will you diagnose a case of congenital hypothyroidism?
a) A child aged four years presented with sudden weakness of lower limbs for two days. Name Five common causes
of this illness. Mention common clinical features of GBS?
(b) How will you manage a patient with GBS? - a)Write down five common cyanotic diseases. What are the clinical features and investigations of TOF?
(b) A 12 month-baby presented with cough and breathing difficulty. He was suffering from a runny nose and mild
fever two days back. What is your diagnosis? How will you differentiate bronchiolitis and bronchopneumonia? - a)What is epilepsy? How will you treat a case of status epilepticus in children?
b)Write down the clinical features and complications of a 3-year-old child with acute pyogenic meningitis. - (a) Name four common diseases with chromosomal disorders and four common diseases with autosomal dominant
(b) How will you investigate a case of hacmolytic anaemia? How will you prevent thalassemia in society? - Writes short notes on: (a) Covid-19 in children (b) Prevention and complication of measles.