A guide to BCS for doctors in bangladesh 2023
- What is BCS?
- Preliminary Marks Distribution
- BCS Written marks distribution
- BCS syllabus for Health cadre
- 44th special BCS circular
- BCS doctors salaries in Bangladesh
What is BCS?
BCS means Bangladesh Civil service.
BCS preliminary Marks distribution 2023
Subject | Marks |
Bangla | 35 |
English | 35 |
Bangladesh affairs | 30 |
International affairs | 20 |
Geography, Environment, Disaster Management | 10 |
Computer & IT | 15 |
General Science | 15 |
Math | 15 |
Mental ability | 15 |
Ethics, good governance And value | 10 |
Total | 200 |
BCS written Marks distribution 2023 (BCS for doctors in bangladesh)
★★For General cadre★★
Name of subject | Marks |
Bangla | 200 |
English | 200 |
Bangladesh affairs | 200 |
International affairs | 100 |
Math | 100 |
Genarel science & Technology | 100 |
Viva | 200 |
Total | 1100 |
★★For technical/professional cadre★★
Name of subject | Marks |
Bangla | 100 |
English | 200 |
Bangladesh affairs | 200 |
International affairs | 100 |
Math | 100 |
Respective subject (Such as,Medical science for doctors) | 200 |
Viva | 200 |
Total | 1100 |
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Pingback: বিসিএস লিখিত পরীক্ষার সিলেবাস ২০২৩ — Doctors Gang