Community Medicine Viva question for second professional MBBS exam students in Bangladesh
Second professional MBBS Viva question suggestions for MBBS students in Bangladesh.
Community Medicine viva question for medical students in Bangladesh. Question collected from 46th MBBS batch of Rangpur medical College.
Community Medicine viva question for Second Professional MBBS examination in Bangladesh
Community medicine model question 1
Board 1
Survey report:ki typ study,r ki study ase,keno descriptive keno analytic,case control r cohort er eg,comparison grp kvbe select korba,randomization ki,rct r step r eg,
Set no 5:mental health criteria,who r un er action,cz of high death rate,population explosion ki,formula,nrr=1 ki indicate kore,bd te kobe nrr 1 hbe,demograpic cycle,highest r lowest population growth kon country,disinfection er type,mental illnes ki ki ase,zoonosis ki r typ
2nd brd(rawshan sir r chandan sir)
Preventive med er def,science ki art ki,juvenile deliquency,common std in bd r prevention.
Community medicine model question 2
1st board:(Rowshan Sir) ::
Survey report er kaj tmi korcila? ami na bolcilam, rag korce Sir, na korleo korci bolis.
Title bolo,steps of survey bolo,reference type ki ki ache? Discussion ki niye kora hoi?
Day visit e koi koi geco?
Community diagnosis kibabe kore? treatment ki babe kore? Case control & cohort er main 2ta difference,incidence konta te paba? kn case control e incidence pabe na? tmi bose acho ata kon type desk? tmk jodi minus desk e bosai ki problem hbe? table r chair dice bolce Zero desk bujao,
Mosquito & sand fly er main 2ta difference bolo, akta room e mosquito & sand fly er movement dkhe ki babe difference korbe? WHO,UNICEF,ILO,FAO full form & hheadquarters,Bangladesh e headquarter amon akta organization er nam bolo? international branch of ICDDRB koi?
Community medicine model question 3
Board-02:Chondon Sir(Hira Sir 12tai cole gece)😃
Sob guloi set thake dorce
r last e extra kicu question
Juvenile deliquency,Doctor patient relationship,IQ type & level😭
Cm viva
Board 1..hira sir
UHC niye dhorse..head ke..uhfpo clinic ki.kara kara thake. Outreached centre ki..milk injury ki..exclusive breast feeding ki..vitamin A deficiency hle ki hoy..treatment.
Community medicine model question 4
Rowshan sir…
Kon process ee survey korso r ki name..recommendation ki ki korba
Board 2
Tamanna mam
Set question 18..purata
Board 1: unfortunately amr tym a Hira sir, Rowshan sir, Chandan sir, munira ma’am shobai chilen😂
1st a munira ma’am question krsen:Practical khata ta k ki ble?kothay kothay gesila? EPI center a cold room dekso?Cold room er components gulo ki?
thn Rowshan sir:r kothay geso? school health day visit ta kno kora hoy mane objective gulo,RFST boi er naam,ki method use kora hoise?case control, cohort er difference ki ki? community diagnosis & community trtment?Ekta community er condition kivabe bujhba mane indicator gulo bolte bolsilo hira sir,demographic stages, non specific immunity er type,BCG vaccine dile sheta kon types r Maternal antibody ta kon types,NRR=1??? zero, plus&minus desk.. thn hira sir question krte nisilo tar agei Rowshan sir bolse porer roll k pathaye beche gesi bola jay
Community medicine model question 5
2nd board :Mahabub sir,tamanna ma’am r munira ma’am chilo..Set Q:21 dhorsilo,trpr landslide natural chara manmade hobe kina?Habit disorder ki ki ache?kon hepatitis beshi dangerous? hepa C kno beshi dangerous? Transmission of A,E,B,C?? R koyekta vule gesi😒
Community medicine model question 7
CM board 2.
1.Ei dui ta ki ancho??
2.tittle bolo
3.koto % manush community clinic e jay?? clinic e ki Service pay??first e health education bolte hobe
5.privintive medicine def??k diche r koto sal e??physical health er criteria ki??
6.bad lighting er fole ki ki hoy??
Good effect of Lighting?
7.hardness of water bolte ki bujh???hard ness ki ki salt er jonno hoy???hardness prevent ki vabe korba??hard water harmful na soft water???hard water k moderately soft water e kemne rupantor korba??
8.newborn baby breast suck korte parcche na ebong pregnant obsthay ma ANC te jay nai tahole ki diagnosis korba???
9.TT full immunized tahole pregnant obsthay r kono dose nite hobe ki na??
Community medicine model question 8
Board 1
1.indicator er characteristics?? Socioeconomic indicator
2.RCT er nethod
3.Growth rate?? High growth rate er cause?? r passive immunity r parthokko
5.wingless vector born disease ki
6.comprehensive health care ki??
7.vitamin A deficiency disorder???Vitamin A er source???Vitamin A deficiency prevent kemne korba??koto mash Interval diye vitamin A capsule khawano hoy??? 6 month to 11 month er color ki???baki der color ki??
Community medicine model question 9
Community medicine viva
1st board(Mahabub sir,Tamanna mam)
সেটের বাহিরে Epidemiological study থেকে কিছু questions করছে! যেমন,
একটা স্টাডি কে কখন analytical বলবা/কোন ফ্যাক্টর থাকলে সেই স্টাডি কে analytical বলবা?case control and cohort study এর ultimate outcome কি?or result কি?incidence calculate /estimate করতে পারবো কোন স্টাডি করে?তোমরা যে স্টাডি করছো সেটা কি incidence নাকি prevalence?Master Table কি,frequency distribution table কি?এখানে কয়টা variable থাকে?
Agent এর classification এ genetic Agent আছে কিনা?উত্তর আছে!Gene expert test এ mainly কোন Drugs resistance বুঝা যায়?mainly Rifampicin,specific local NGO এর নাম বলো যেটা specific কাজ করে?
Bd National society for blind বলছি, স্যা জিজ্ঞাসা করলেন BRAC কি কাজ করে(specific)? উত্তর ;TB.
2nd board(Rawshan sir,Chandan sir)
Extra কোনো question করে নাই!