Best Blood Glucose Meter and Most accurate blood glucose meter

Best Blood Glucose Meter and Most accurate blood glucose meter 2025

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Most accurate blood glucose meter
Most accurate blood glucose meter


What is Glucometer? 

The electronic device used for measuring blood sugar level is called glucometer or blood glucose meter. If anyone have diabetes, self-testing your blood glucose meter or glucometer can be an important tool in managing your diabetes and preventing complications of diabetes. Anyone can check his/her blood sugar at home with a portable electronic device called a Glucometer using a small drop of your blood. You can also use an another  device for check blood glucose called a continuous glucose monitor.

Why test your blood sugar 

  1. Blood glucose level measuring provides useful information for diabetes treatment. Blood glucose level can help the patients by: Blood glucose Monitor show the effect of diabetes medications on blood sugar levels. 
  2. Identify blood glucose levels that are high or low from expected level.
  3. Track your treatment prognosis in reaching your overall treatment goals 
  4. Learn how diet & exercise affect your blood sugar levels 
  5. Understand how other factors, such as illness or stress,infection, affect your blood sugar levels. 

When to test your blood sugar level

Doctor will let you advice how & when often to check your blood sugar levels. The frequency of blood glucose testing usually depends on the type of diabetes & treatment plan . 

Type 1 diabetes 

Your doctor may recommend blood sugar testing 4 – 10 times in a single if you have type 1 diabetes. You may need to test: 

  1. Before meals and snacks
  2. Before exercise 
  3. After exercise 
  4. Before bed
  5. During the night (sometimes)
  6. More often if you are ill or fell worse your symptoms. 
  7. More often if you change your daily diet, and exercise. 
  8. More often if you turn a new medical treatment. 

Type 2 diabetes 

If you take insulin to treat type 2 diabetes or insulin dependent diabetes mellitus, your endocrinologist may recommend blood glucose checking several times a day, depending on the type of insulin  and amount of insulin your need. Blood sugar level Testing is usually recommended before your meals and at bedtime if you’re taking multiple daily injections. You may required to check only before breakfast and dinner if you use just an intermediate- or a long-acting insulin.If you treat type 2 diabetes mellitus with non-insulin oral antidiabetic medications such as -metformin,sulfonylurea etc or with diet and exercise alone, you may not need to test your blood sugar daily. More about type 2 diabetes Mellitus.

What is the Most accurate blood glucose meter? 

  1. Contour Next one blood glucose meter 
  2. Contour Next EZ blood glucose meter kit
  3. Accu-chek Active blood glucose meter 
  4. Accu-chek aviva plus
  5. Fora 6 connect Blood Glucose + Ketone testing meter

1.Contour Next one Blood glucose meter 

Contour Next One Blood Glucose meter is most common and very popular Glucometer in USA,UK, and European country as well as Asian country.It most famous due to low price on Amazon to me. It is  Most accurate blood glucose meter in the world. And It’s great with design and highest accuracy of the blood glucose level testing. It usual for type 1 Diabetes mellitus and Type 2 medication failure or type 2 using insulin patients. It can vary +/- 8.4% result compared to lab test. On the other hand Most of the blood glucose meter level can vary +/- 15% result compared to lab result. 
q? encoding=UTF8&MarketPlace=US&ASIN=B06W53ZLTK&ServiceVersion=20070822&ID=AsinImage&WS=1&Format= SL250 &tag=doctorsgang 20

2. Contour Next EZ Blood Glucose Meter 

Contour next blood glucose meter kit is a great accuracy in testing blood sugar level.It also usual for type 1 Diabetes mellitus and Type 2 medication failure or type 2 using insulin patients such as contour next one. It can vary +/- 8.4% result compared to lab test. On the other hand Most of the blood glucose meter level can vary +/- 15% result compared to lab result.Its accuracy about 93.7% acording to NCBI data. I am an Medical student I choice it for my patients and also use for good result and accuracy. 
Check price on amazon by click on image 
q? encoding=UTF8&ASIN=B009AVO7PE&Format= SL250 &ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=doctorsgang 20&language=en USir?t=doctorsgang 20&language=en US&l=li3&o=1&a=B009AVO7PE
Name Contour Next EZ
Accuracy 99.3%


2. Accu-chek active blood glucose meter 

q? encoding=UTF8&MarketPlace=US&ASIN=B01GO0HBF6&ServiceVersion=20070822&ID=AsinImage&WS=1&Format= SL250 &tag=doctorsgang 20                                                                              
 accuracyAccording to NCBI


The Accu-Chek Active blood glucose meter packs have many powerful features.
easy-to-read display  (new typeface)
intuitive handling with just 2 buttons
Re dose option within 10 second.
Reminder: postprandial reminder
USB: USB interface for data transfer.

Global accuracy standad ISO 15197:2013 requirements,highly accurate result 10/10 point according to me.
Memory capacity :500 memory Test
Report record capability-7, 14, 30 and upto 90 days.

Time time: before and after meal

Type of Display: LCD Display
Size : smaller
Check lowest price on Amazon


3.Accu-chek aviva plus

Accu-chek aviva plus from also give 98% accurate result. Many of the diabetes patients use accu-chek aviva plus Glucometer in the United States as well as United Kingdom. It can be a great choice for testing blood sugar levels at home.I recommend this blood glucose meter for measuring blood glucose meter.

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Name Accu-chek Aviva Plus
Accuracy 98%

5. Fora 6 connect Blood glucose meter and ketone testing 

It is also awesome blood glucose meter because it give ketone bodies result beside blood glucose result. It is very helpful to diagnosis diabetic keto-acidosis at home by using Fora 6 connect. It has 1000 reading memory capacity, and give blood glucose level withhin 5 second and ketone level within 10 second.

Advantage of Blood Glucometer 

Glucometer or blood glucose meter have so more advantage effect following are:
  • Easy to use
  • Rapid use
  • Result within 5 second
  • Cheap
  • Blood sugar test at home
  • It used for to check and adjust the diabetes treatment 
  • Easily monitoring blood glucose level without help of expert
  • No need any coding skill
  • It had reminder that alert for blood sugar test
  • It can connect with smart phone or apps by Bluetooth or data cable.
  • New Blood glucose meter come is continues blood glucose meter that no need to finger strips.

Disadvantage of Blood glucose meter 

  • Blood glucose meter not show 100% accurate result. 
  • Sometimes it give result upto 15% more than Laboratory investigation. 
  • Old device give fault result. 

How to choose best  Glucometer for you: Buying Guide

Ensure Strip availability :see strips availability to market of types of your Glucometer.
Alert: some Blood glucose meter have postprandial reminder.
Choose samll Size. You’ll be keeping glucometer meter with you throughout the day, so think about how you’ll be carrying it with you. If who always have a purse or bag with his/her, any size glucometer should be fine. But if you plan to carry Glucometer with you it to fit into a small carrying case, then you should buy for a small size blood sugar meter. Eg:FreeStyle Glucometer

Large Screen size. Blood sugar Meters with very small display screens may not give you advantage to easily read than large display. So buy the glucometer which have Large screen size display.

Memory capacity. All Glucometer meters have memory, some Glucometer have few records capability (10 to 250) on the other hand some Glucometer have many record capability such as 250-1000 test records.
Eg: One touch ultra smart have 500 test record capability.

Virtual compatibility. This is an awesome feature virtually most of the glucometer offer, along with the extra ability to e-mail your test results to your physician. But you can sure befor buy this quality from your shop.

Cost Range . Blood glucose meter can be purchased from a pharmacy/medical shop/Online shop such as amazon,walmart,flipkart etc for between $20 and $90; you can get a blood glucose meter for free from your physician.some choose cheap Glucometer (such as)  some people choose expensive Glucometer. You can buy Glucometer acroding to need your feature.

Check Insurance. Before buying a blood glucose meter, check your insurance company to see if the cost of the meter and test strips will be covered. some health insurance companies only provide coverage for particular Glucometer in USA, and UK.


How to Check your Blood sugar level by Glucometer 

Follow the principle that come with your Glucometer. In general, here’s how the Blood glucose meter works: Wash with soap and dry your hands properly,then Insert a test strip into your blood glucose meter.Prick the side of your fingertip with the lancet provided with your Glucometer kit.Then touch and hold the edge of the test strip to the drop of blood. The meter will show blood sugar level on a display after a few seconds(within 5 seconds).
Read more:

Most accurate blood glucose meter

Most accurate blood glucose meter means the blood glucose meter show Most accurate result. But all glucometer are vary to result. But some glucometer or blood glucose meter are Most accurate to give blood glucose result. We already mention above the post. You can buy the products throw the affiliate link. We have no any connection about the products, we can share our opinion about the Most accurate blood glucose meter, but choose your. As a doctor I am use all glucometer of the above list, all are perform good. It is very good for home use. Thank you for reading the review.

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