Pharmacology viva questions for MBBS students


Pharmacology viva questions Model Test for MBBS students in Bangladesh

Pharmacology Viva Question for MBBS students
Pharmacology viva questions

MBBS Pharmacology viva question of Rangpur Medical College  Collection from 46th batch RpMC Students.  The Pharmacology viva held by 

  • Dr Beuty Shaha head of Department of Pharmacology of Rangpur medical College. And 
  • Dr Bari Sir Head of Department of Pharmacology of Prime Medical College Rangpur.
  • Dr Afsana Mam 
  • Dr Anoyara Mam


  1. Microbiology Viva question for MBBS students in Bangladesh
  2. Pathology Viva question for MBBS students in Bangladesh

MBBS Pharmacology viva question test 1

Board 1 by Dr Beauty Saha mam+External

Define therapeutic index, importance of therapeutic index, drugs having high therapeutic index, define bioavailability, factors modifying bioavailability, lidocaine, indications, name the antipsychotic drugs, advantages of atypical antipsychotic drugs, classify anti depressant drugs, indications of antidepressant, drugs used in peptic ulcer disease, triple therapy, classify NSAIDs, adverse effects of NSAIDs, classify antihistamines.

Board 2 by Dr Bari sir

Indications of adrenaline.

MBBS Pharmacology viva question test 2

Board 1 by Dr Beauty Saha mam+External

Define pharmacology,drug,formulary, pharmacopeia, types of drug,use of drug

Opioid classification, Morphine ar indication, morphine collect from poppy plant?

Classify barbiturate,

Anti platelet, anticoagulant, anti thrombolytic drug ar name.indication of aspirin

Board 2 by Dr Bari sir +anowara mam

Indication of adrenaline, management of anaphylactic shock,Hypoglycaemic shock,

Indication, contraindication of beta blocker

Classify nucleic acid inhibitor.Beta lactamase inhibitor ki ki?

MBBS Pharmacology viva question test 3

Board 1 by Dr Beauty Saha mam+External


Antihistamine-drug,advantage of 2nd generation

Antipsychotic-drug, chlorpromazine adverse effects, Extra pyramidal symptoms kivabe prevent korbo.

Board 2 by Dr Bari sir +anowara mam

Antifungal,antiviral drug nam

Gram – anaerobic bacteria against e kon antibiotics use korbo

Metronidazole -indication

Cysticidal drug

Antiviral drug used in corona

MBBS Pharmacology viva question test 4

Board 2 by Dr Bari sir +anowara mam

Atropine indication(4 ta absolute indication blte hbe)..heart block r drug(isoprenalin)..glaucoma r alpha 2 r drug( vul ans dclm tai clonidine r site,medullay receptor r name,ki kj kore dhrclo)..muscurinic and adrenergic glaucoma prevent korar mechanism,receptor..tetracycline kon kon organism against e kj kore… Kala azar r trtmnt.. Miltefosine r root r dose..

Board 1 by Dr Beauty Saha mam+External

Pharmacology ki,branch,pharmacodynamics ki,target protein ki ki,,receptor r classifcation,example,,anticoagulant r name,heparin r indication adverse effect,morphine r indication,contraindication,ICP baray kno

MBBS Pharmacology viva question test 5

Board 2 by Dr Bari sir +anowara mam

Indication Of Atropine,ata ICP baray na Komay,Beta blocker er Indication, Adrenaline er Indication, Anti tb Drugs,Isoniazide er adverse effect,rapid slow acylator,vit B12 er arek nam ki.

Megaloblastic Anaemia er cause,vit B12 deficit e Follic Acid dile Ki hbe???follate er deficiency keno hoi??mainly ami megaloblastic Anemia utter korsilm boley aigula question korsen.

Board 1 by Dr Beauty Saha mam+External

Def drug,use,Types

tablet def,types,effervescent bolte Ki bujho,

capsule,Types,long acting insulin,indication of insuline,DPP-Inhibitors,Diclofinac er adverse Effect,Natural opioid er source,kivbe collect kore(atar answer sir nejey disen),Indication Of Morphine,Contraindication, why pethidine is given in pregnancy not Morphine?

MBBS Pharmacology viva question test 6

Board 1 by Dr Beauty Saha(RpMC) mam+External

2 ta question korse😁

Define biotransformation.phase ki ki.

Define receptor..classical receptor gular example

Board 2 by Dr Bari sir +anowara mam

Adrenaline kivabe synthesis hoy.

Acetylcholine kivabe synthesis hoy..

Acetylcholine kno use kori na clinically.

Procaine penicilin ki jinis.(procaine with penin..duration of action bere jay r penicilin injection painful tai procaine sathe thaklw pain hoy na)

MBBS Pharmacology viva question test 7

Board 2 by Dr Bari sir +anowara mam

Tracing,receptor(onk question korse 50% pari ni🙄)

Adrenaline indication,diuretics classification

Frusemide thiazide difference

Protein synthesis inhibitor name,adverse effect,

Malaria treatment,primaquine kno dya hy f. Malaria te

Board 1 by Dr Beauty Saha(RpMC) mam+External

def,classification,def phrmacokinetics,absorption of drug

ORS ki ki ache

PpI,adverse effect

Antipsychotic,anti depressant,name adverse effect,kon kon pathway block kore

Insulin adverse effect,hypoglycemic shock management

MBBS Pharmacology viva question test 8

Board 1 by Dr Beauty Saha(RpMC) mam+External 
Atropine substitutes er nam…atropine poisoning e ki use korba…physostigmine r koi use hoy…neostigmine koi use hoyLow efficacy diuretics ki ki ase…spironolactone er indication…metabolic adverse effect ki..Pg lady te kon hypertensive…m/aAnti anginal drug…Gtn er adverse effectFalciparum resistant malaria te kon drug…composition…dose…

Board 2 by Dr Bari sir +anowara mam


MBBS Pharmacology viva question test 9

Board 1 by Dr Beauty Saha(RpMC) mam+External


Board 2 by Dr Bari sir +anowara mam


MBBS Pharmacology viva question test 10

Board 1 by Dr Beauty Saha(RpMC) mam+External


Board 2 by Dr Bari sir +anowara mam

Metronidazole infusion tulaise….eta ki…r ki ki infusion ase…Insulin pen…ki advantage.. Kon route…single na multiple use…insulin kkhn use kora hoy…kivabe blood sugar komay…dpp 4 ki…ki ki ase…mech of action Anti psychotic drug…kivabe kaj kore…EPS syndrome kivabe prevent korbo…eta kon grp er drugPud te ki ki use kora hoy…cimetidine er a/e…ranitidine keno use kora hoy na….er bodole ki use kora hoy…Paracetamol kon grp er drug….indication…toxic dose koto…antidote….n acetyl cystein ekhn paoa jay na tahole ki use korba??(ki ekta nam bolse oikhane shune oikhanei vule gesi)

MBBS Pharmacology viva question test 9

Board 1 by Dr Anowara madam
Def:TI,bioavailability, therapeutic windowImportance of TIAgonist defAll about insulin preparation, storageAntidepressant classifyNSAID -classifyAnti histamine classify with advantage of 2nd generation 
Board 2 by Dr Beauty madam
Adrenalin indication,receptorBeta blocker name,indicationHTN pt but beta blocker dea jabe na kaderAminoglycoside properties, indication,A/EFluoroquinolones-classify,A/E

MBBS Pharmacology viva question test 10

B-01(Dr Anwara mam & Dr Bari sir) 
Lidocaine:Indication,muscle relaxant diba kina.Suxamethonium er indication,kon typer relaxant, duration of suxamethonium😬, r ki ki m. relaxants ache,,Role of  m. relaxants in anesthesia 
Paracetamol strip:Explain koro
NSAID er classification
Aspirin er indication(both normal & low dose),low dose & high dose er value (high dose 2-3 gm)
Insulin vial tulo,insulin er type & example,indications,basal & bolus insulin ki
B02 (Dr Beauty mam & external)
Adrenaline er indicationsAtropine like subs(mydriatics & drug in parkinsonism egula sunte chay)Ki ki ache
Beta blocker er indication & A/E1st dose hypotension (def.,  kon drug kore, Patient k ki advice korba)
Antimicrobials :
Penicillin ( classification,indication,A/E)Broad spectrum bolte ki bujho name bolo.
Tetracycline ( classification, indications, A/E, children der ki effect korel
Chloramphenicol kno pregnancy r children der diba na

MBBS Pharmacology viva question test 10

Board 1-(dr.anwara mam+bari sir)
1.metformine kivabe blood glucose komay?2.adverse effect of metforme,lactic acidosis kivabe hoy?(abdominal discomfort kore na?! Eta kno bolla na?)3.adverse effect of steriod,DM patient der blood glucose komabe naki barabe? Kivabe  blood glucose barabe!
board 2-( mam+external)1.principle of antimicrobial therapy2.A/E of quinolones3.indication of beta blocker,a/f of beta blocker,heart rate komabe naki barabe? Respiratory muscle e ki Korbe?


  1. Microbiology Viva question for MBBS students in Bangladesh
  2. Pathology Viva question for MBBS students in Bangladesh
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