MDF vs Littmann Stethoscope 2022

Littmann Stethoscope is Number 1 choice for All doctors, nurses, Medical students, and health care professionals. But Now day made some alternative to littmann stethoscope such as MDF stethoscope.

Dr Noman Islam Nirob

Before buying littmann stethoscope read the section

Littmann stethoscope is gold standards for Doctors. Some Copy Products are available in the market, You have to ensure before buy original Product. We say How to understand or identify the original Littmann Stethoscope in this page.

MDF vs Littmann Stethoscope
MDF vs littmann Stethoscope

The way to identify the original littmann stethoscope

  1. The original Littmann have A code number which number give to you acces an apps. By visiting the apps you can hear Heart sound and Lung sound.
  2. The original Littmann box is shine and smoth surface
  3. The Text of Non-Original Box is thicker than Original Littmann Stethoscope Box.
  4. The original Littmann has a sticker which placed on vertically lightly with small logos of 3M Littmann Brand.
  5. Serial Number of chest pieces of original Littmann is more closely than copy products.
  6. The original Littmann stethoscope has less rubbery ear pieces than non original Littmann stethoscope.
  7. The original Littmann have more premium look but non original Littmann have damage look.
  8. Don’t buy products untrusted shop for low Price.

More Reads:

I am using both Littmann and MDF stethoscope from 5 years. They are vey good stethoscope. But my First Choice is Littmann Stethoscope. Who have tight budget to buy stethoscope they can buy mdf stethoscope within limited budgets.

1. MDF Acoustica vs Littmann Classic III stethoscope

TraitsMDF aacoustica deluxe stethoscopeLittmann Classic III stethoscope
Warrantylifetime2-5 years (depends on Market)
Customer ReviewAverage 4.7 out of 5Average 4.5 out of 5
ColorManyLess than littmann
Tubing flexibilityMoreLess
Ear pieceMore softenerLess than littmann
PriceMore than MDFLess than Littmann
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MDF Acoustica vs Littmann Classic III stethoscope

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  1. Best stethoscope for doctors, Medical Students
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2. MDF Rose Gold MD one vs Littmann Classic III stethoscope

TraitsMDF Rose Glod MD one stethoscope Littmann Classic III stethoscope
Warrantylifetime2-5 years (depends on Market)
Customer ReviewAverage 4.7 out of 5Average 4.5 out of 5
ColorManyLess than littmann
Tubing flexibilityMoreLess
Ear pieceMore softenerLess than littmann
PriceMore than MDFLess than Littmann
See Price and ReviewBuy Now from hereBuy Now from here
MDF Acoustica vs Littmann Classic III stethoscope

Uses of Stethoscope

  1. Stethoscope used for Hearing normal heart sound, murmur, wheeze, ronchi, bowel sound and arterial brui etc.
  2. It is also use for measuring Blood Pressure by hearing sound of bronchial artery.
  3. Nasogastric tube confirmation

How to use stethoscope

  1. Proper Adjusting of stethoscope to ear
  2. Check sound by pressing over diaphragm
  3. Place the stethoscope on exact positions

Hearing heart sound

Placing the stethoscope over chest at specific points. You can learn from your Professor of Medical College or from your clinical Class.

Must be remember : Hearing Heart Sound and Understanding Heart Sound doesn’t depends on Stethoscope except your clinical excellency.

Dr Noman Islam Nirob
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