GUIDELINE for FCPS part 1 examinee | BCPS| Doctors Gang

GUIDELINE for FCPS Part 1 examinee

FCPS guidelines for Part 1 examinee

  1. Showing admit card is a prerequisite to enter into the examination hall.
  2. The examination hall will be opened 45 minutes prior to the commencement of examination.
  3. No examinee will be allowed to enter into the examination hall after 15 minutes of the commencement of examination. Under no circumstances one can be allowed beyond this time. 
  4. No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall within l5 minutes of ending of examination.
  5. Examinees are to bring their owrr ballpoint pen, 2B pencil, sharpener and good eraser. 
  6. The examinees are not allowed to write anything on the admit card, question papers or keep any other papers. These may lead to cancellation of the answer sheet/scripts.
  7. A separate answer sheet (OMR sheet) will be provided for answering 50 questions. All answers should be recorded in the answer sheet by filling up the appropriate circle. 
  8. The answer sheets are not to be folded or damaged in anyway. No writing is to be allowed in the space provided for answers in the answer sheet. 
  9. The part of the answer sheet which includes name, registration number, roll number,course, subject and set code (where applicable) should be filled in with ball point pen at the beginning of the examination.
  10. Examinees are instructed to fil! in the 6 dieits of their roll number only on Answersheet. Follow the example below:

EXAMPLE :- A candidate in FCPS Part-I, Paediatrics whose Roll No. is 390712.

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11.Answers are to be scrutinized by Computer software.
12.There will be 25 Multiple Choice Questions of multiple “True” / “False” response type with 5 branches to each question, i.e., a, b, c, d, 0. Each of these five branches will be either “True” or “False” and are to be marked accordingly on the answer sheet by filling in the appropriate circle with a 2B pencil. 
13.There will be 25 Sinsle Best Answer typw questions w candidate will res to one answer only. Make sure to fill the

circles completely and dark enough to be read by an optical mark reader (OMR sheet).
Follow the example below.
FCPS part 1 guidelines by bcps


13.If revisions are to be made in the answers after filling in the circles, the filled in circle should be completely erased and another appropriate circle will be filled in.Each correct response is to be awarded with a positive mark of 0.4 for MCQ true/false type and 2 marks for SBA. There is no negative marks for incorrect response.

14.Total time allotted is I hour 40 minutes for filling in the answer sheets. Hall In-Charge or Invigilator will give a briefing 10 (ten) minutes prior to the commencement of examination.

15.No mobile phone, even inactive, is allowed in the Examination  

16. Please follow instructions mentioned in the Admit Card.

(a) Examinees who registered for-

Medicine, Gastroenterology, Neurology, Nephrology, Endocrinology &

IVletabolism, Cardiology, Pulmonology, Hepatology, Rheumatology and

Infectious Disease & Tropical Medicine, will fill up toMedicine” in

answer sheet (OMR sheet) and questions will be common.

(b) Examinees who registered for-

Surgery, Urology, Neuro-surgery, cardiovascular surgery, Thoracic

Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Orthopaedic Surgery and,

Paediatric Surgery, will fill up otSurgery” in answer sheet (OMR sheet)

and questions will be common.

(c) Examinees who registered for-

Paediatrics, Neonatology, Paediatric Haematology & Oncology, Paediatric

Nephrology, Paediatric Gastroenterology &, Nutrition, Paediatric

Pulmonology, Paediatric Neurology & Development, and Paediatric

Cardiology will fiIl up ‘oPaediatrics” in answer sheet (OMR sheet) and

questions will be common.

(d) Examinees who registered for-

Obst. & Gynae, Feoto-Maternal Medicine, Gynaecological Oncology and

Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility, will fill up ooObst. & Gynae”

in answer sheet (oMR sheet) and questions will be common.

(e) Examinees who registered for-

Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics, Oral and Maxiilofacial Surgery,

Prosthodontics and Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopaedics, will fill up

otDental Surgery” in answer sheet (OMR sheet) and questions will be


(f) Examinees of remaining subjects will fill up their registered subject in the

answer sheet (OMR sheet).

Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeon.

Source : download from BCPS website link

FCPS guidelines for Part 1 examinee pdf download

Learn more: Career after MBBS in Bangladesh

FCPS syllabus in Bangladesh 

Doctors Gang
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