Medical Science BCS written syllabus
- Paper 1(Antomy and Physiology)
- Paper 2( Medicine and Pathology)
Paper-I(Physiology and Anatomy)
Part-I Physiology 50
(a) Physiology of basic tissues.
(b) Blood and circulatory system.
(i) Haemostasis.
(ii) Coagulation of blood
(iii) Cardiac cycle
(iv) E.C.G.
(v) Blood pressure.
(vi) Cardiac out put.
(vii) Physiology of shock.
(viii) Regional circulation.
(c) Respiratory system.
(i) Lung function tests.
(ii) Mechanism of rhythmic breathing.
(iii) O2 and CO2 carriage.
(iv) Regulation of respiration.
(v) Cyanosis and hypoxia.
(d) Digestion, Metabolism and Nutrition.
(e) Kidney and body fluid.
(i) Mechanism of urine formation and concentration.
(ii) Renal circulation.
(iii) Renal function tests.
(iv) Regulation of body fluids.
(f) Endocrinology and reproduction.
(i) Hypophysis.
(ii) Thyroid.
(iii) Parathyroid.
(iv) Pancreas.
(v) Adrenal gland.
(vi) Ovary and testis.
(vii) Reproduction, control of fertility in the male & female.
(g) Nervous system:
(i) General organization of nervous system.
(ii) Reflexes.
(iii) Cerebellum.
(iv) Hypothalamus.
(v) Emotion.
(h) Special senses:
(i) Vigual pathway.
(ii) Light reflex.
(iii) Accommodation reaction.
(iv) Vestibular apparatus.
(v) Pathway for test and audition.
Part-II Anatomy 50
(a) Anatomy of cells.
(b) Cell divisions.
(c) Elementary geneties.
(d) Tissues of the body:
(i) Epithelial tissue.
(ii) Connective tissue proper.
(iii)The skeletal system, functions of the bones, Ligaments and cartilages, structures of the bones & joints.
(d) The muscular tissues.
(e) The nervous system-structures of the nervous tissue-neurone and neuroglia; Central nervous system; peripheral nervous system and autonomic nervous system.
(f) The sense organs.
(g) Dermatomes.
(h) The skin.
(i) The circulatory system Heart, arteries, veins.
(j) The Respiratory System Throat,Nose, Larynx, Trachea, Bronchi & Lungs.
(k) Digestive system:Mouth,oral cavity, Pharynx,Oesophagus, Stomach,small and large Intestines, Salivary glands, Liver, Gall bladder, Pancreas & Spleen.
(l)Urinary system-Kidneys, Ureters, Urinary bladder, Urethra.
(m)The reproductive system of male & Female reproductive system.
(n) The endocrine glands.
(o) General embryology.
(p) Special embryology of the human body
Read more:
- BCS guidelines for doctors in Bangladesh
- BCS and Medical Book Pdf download for Doctors
- MCQ and SBA for FCPS,MD, and MRCP
- Career Guide for Doctors in Bangladesh
Medical Science Paper-II (Medicine and Pathology)
Marks : 100
Part-I Medicine 50
1. Objective : A graduate doctor will be able to :
• Diagnose & manage various common medical conditions prevalent in the community (particularly in Bangladesh) give proper counseling to patients & relatives.
• Recognize, provide competent initial care & refer complicated cases to secondary &
tertiary centers at appropriate time.
• Diagnose & manage medical emergencies conditions commonly encountered in hospital practice.
• Demonstrate the awareness of the need to keep abreast of new knowledge & techniques in
Introduction to General Medicine
• Overview to medicine as a discipline & subject.
• Approach to common symptoms of diseases such as e.g. pain, edema, cough, vomiting, joint pain,dysuria,
paralysis, joint pain, weakness,lymph node enlargement, anaemia etc.
Blood transfusion
Clinical Medicine :
Nutritional Factors in diseases
• Energy yielding nutrients
• Protein energy malnutrition in adult
•infections due to The vitamins deficiency & excess Diseases
• Approach to infectious diseases: diagnostic & therapeutic principles.
• General principles and rational use of antibiotics
• Dengue
• Enteric fever
• Amoebiasis, giardiasis.
• Kala-azar
• Malaria
• Filariasis
• Rabies
• Tuberculosis
• Leprosy
• Cholera, Diarrhoeal Disease
2. Approach to common symptoms of the diseases : Fever,Pain, Palpitation, Jaundice, Anaemia, Bleeding, Heamoptysis, Dyspnoea, Paralysis, Syncope, Ascitis, Oedema, Cough, Haematemesis,Vomiting, Dysuria.
3. Nutritional, Metabolic and Environmental diseases : Protein energy malnutrition(PEP), Obesity,
Diseases due to Vitamin deficiency and excess.
4. Respiratory disease : Bronchial asthma, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD), Pneumonia,
Pleural effusion, Pneumothorax, Bronchogenic carcinoma.
Cardiovascular disease : Hypertension, Ischaemic heart disease. Acute rheumatic fever, Valvular
heart disease, Heart failure.
Blood disorders : Leukemia, Lymphoma, Hazards of blood transfusion, Mx.
5. Helminthic diseases
• Nematodes
• Trematodes
HIV & infections in the immuno compromised conditions such as Syphilis, gonorrhoea.
6. Diseases of the CVS.
• Ischaemic heart diseases
• Rheumatic fever & Rheumatic heart disease
• Valvular diseases of heart
• Infective endocarditis
• Hypertension and hypertensive heart diseases
• Cardiac arrhythmias(common)
• Heart failure – acute chronic
• Acute and chronic pericarditis, pericardial effusion & cardiac tamponade
Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
• Peptic Ulcer disease & non ulcer dyspepsia.
• Malabsorption syndrome
• Irritable bowel syndrome and inflammatory bowel disease.
• Acute viral hepatitis & chronic hepatitis.
• Abdominal tuberculosis
Nephrology & Urinary System
• Nephritic & Nephrotic syndrome.
• urinary tract infection/Pyelonephritis
Neurological System
• Cerebrovascular diseases
• Meningitis : viral, bacterial & tuberculosis.
• Encephalitis, viral
• Peripheral neuropathy
Water and electrolytes and acid-base homeostasis
• Diagnosis and treatment of specific fluid and electrolytic disorders
Endocrine and Metabolic diseases
• Diabetes mellitus (DM).
• Thyrotoxicosis.
• Hypothyroidism & Iodine deficiency state.
• Cushing’s syndrome & Addisons disease.
Connective tissue Disorder
• Rheumatoid arthritis & reactive arthritis
• Degenerative joint diseases including cervical spondylosis
• Gout
Geriatric medicine:Common Genetic Disorders
Common Immunologic disorders
7. Diseases of the blood
• Anaemia : iron deficiency anaemia.
• Common Haemolytic anaemia(Thalassaemia & acquired haemolytic anaemia)
• Common bleeding disorders(Thrombocytopendia & haemophilia)
• Agranulocytosis and aplastic anaemia
• Leukaemia : acute and chronic Leukaemias
• Lymphomas
• Multiple myelomas
• Blood transfusion
Diseases of the respiratory system
• Upper respiratory tract infections
• Pneumonias
• Tuberculosis
• Lung abscess and bronchiectasis
• Diseases of the pleura : Pleurisy, Pleural effusion, empyema & pneumotheorax.
• Chronic Obstructive lung diseases(COLD) & corpulmonale.
• Bronchial asthma & pulmonary eosinophilia
• Acute and chronic respiratory failure.
• Neoplasm of the lung
8. Pancreatic disease : Acute pancreatitis, Chronic pancreatitis.
9. Liver & Biliary tract disease : Viral hepatitis, Chronic liver disease, cirrhosis of liver
carcinoma liver, liver abscess.
10. Neurological disease : Cerebro vascular disease, Meningitis, Encepthalities, Epilepsy,
Peripheral neuropathy, Management of unconscious patient.
11. Musculskletal disorders : Rheumatoid arthritis, Seronegative spondarthritis, Law back
pain, Osteo-arthrtitis, Gout, Reactive asitritis etc.
12. Geriatic medicine : General principles of treating elderly and Health problem of the elderly.
13. Poisoning & drug overdose.
• Initial evaluation of the patient with poisoning of drug overdose.
• General principles of management
• Treatment of common specific poisoning : OPC, sedatives, kerosene, alcohol poisoning.
methanol poisoning, Dutra poisoning.
• Venomous stings, insect bites,poisonous snakes & insects.
Emergency Medicine
• Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
• Acute pulmonary oedema & severe acute asthma
• Hypertensive emergencies
• Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) & hypoglycaemia.
• Status epileptics
• Acute myocardial infarction, shock and anaphylaxis
• Upper Gastrointestinal bleeding and hepatic coma
• Diagnosis and management of comatose patient.
• Drowning, and electrocution,
Common skin diseases : scabies, eczema, and fungal infection.
common psychiatric conditions : somatoform disorders, depressive illness, schizophrenia, and substance abuse.
Clinical Methods in the Practice of Medicine
• History Taking
• Physical Examination
• Investigations
• Diagnosis
• Principles of treatment
• Interpersonal skills
• Communication skills
• Doctor-patient relationship
• Ethical Behavior
• Referral services
• Medical Certificate
• Common Clinical Procedures
– Injections
– Nebulisation
– IV infusion
– Intubations
– Hyper pyrexia
– Skin Sensitivity Test
14. Clinical genetics : Introduction of medical genetics.Modern techniques of medical
Down’s syndrome, Klinefelter’s syndrome, and Turner’s syndrome etc.
15. Immunologic disorders : Basic facts of Immunology, Immunologic deficiency diseases.
16. Sexually transmitted disease(STD) :Gonorrhoea, Syphilis, and Non-Gonococcal urethritis.
17. Skin disease : Scabies, Superficial fungal infection, Dermatitis, Psoriasis, Drug reaction etc.
18. Medical Psychiatry : Anxiety neurosis,Depression, Dissociative disorder, and Somatoform disorder etc.
19. Communication skill
20. Terminal Care
Part-II : Pathology 50
(a) Cell biology general concept.
(b) Inflammation, Degeneration,Necrosis and gangrene.
(c) Sterilization and disinfection.
(d) Disorder of growth :Tumors including cancers.
(e) Radiation, Hazards and prevention.
(f) Immunity,and Immunization against common bacterial & viral infections. Immunodeficiency syndrome with special reference to AIDS.
(g) Common cause of diarrhoea & pathogenesis and complications of diarrhoea. General reaction to trauma, hemorrhage & shock.
(h) Bacterial infections with special references to Enteric fever(typhoid and paratyphoid fever), Tuberculosis, Leprosy, Diphtheria, Whooping cough, Tetanus, Gas gangrene, Food poisoning, Strepto and Staphylococcal infections, Bacillary dysentery, Cholera.
(i) Common viral disease like poliomyelitis, Chickens pox, Measles, Viral hepatitis, Rabies,Herpeszoster, HIV. AIDS. Dengue.
(j) Common parasitic disease suc as Ascariasis, Ankylostomasis or Hook worm infection.
(k) Common protozoal disease such as Malaria, Kala-Azar, Giardiasis.
(l) Sexually transmitted disease(STD) like, Gonorrhoea, Syphilis, elaneaid, Nongonococcal,urethritis.
(m) Routine laboratory procedure for peripheral blood film(PBF) Urine, Stool malarial parasite, examine sputum for Gram stains & AFB examine Blood examine for Hb% & ESR.
(n) Special pathology for some diseases like Tuberculosis(TB), Pneumonia, Bronchial Carcinoma, Chronic, Bronchitis, Empygenia, Bronchicetasis, Respiratory failure, pleural effusions, pleurisy,
Liver disease like viral hepatitis,jaundice, Hepatic amebiosis, liver abscess, primary and secondary
carcinoma of liver,metastasis,
Collage disease like systemic lupus erythomatosus, Systemic sclerosis, Dermatomyositis-
Rheumotoid arthritis.
Joint disease – Gout, spondylitis psoriatic arthritis. Osteo arthritis Seronegetive arthritis
Endocrine disease : Pituitary tumors, Acromegaly, Thyroid tumors, Hyperthyroidism,
GI tract : Peptic ulcer disease, Carcinoma , Stomach Carcinoma, colon, renal disease:
Acute and chronic glomerlo nephritis, Acute and Chronic pyeto nephritis. polycystic
disease of Kidney, Renal artery stenosis, Renal failure.
Neurological disease : Cerebrovascular disease, multiple sclerosis, Meningitis, Epilepsy,
multiple sclerosis(MS), Neurosyphilis, ryopathy myst thesis myst thesis mysthenia gravis.
Cardiovascular disease : Congenital heart disease and acquired valvular heart disease. Ischemic heart
disease(IHD), Hypertensive heart disease. cardiomyopathies Heart failure.
Read more:
- BCS guidelines for doctors in Bangladesh
- BCS book pdf download
- MCQ and SBA for FCPS,MD, and MRCP
- FCPS Syllabus and Other Degrees Career for Doctors
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