Obstetrics and Gynaecology Paper I – Pre Professional Exam 2021 – RpMC

Obstetrics and Gynaecology Paper I - Pre Professional Exam 2022 - RpMC
Obstetrics and Gynaecology Paper I – Pre Professional Exam 2022 – RpMC

Obstetrics and Gynaecology Paper I – Pre Professional Exam 2022 – RpMC

Rangpur Merlical College Hospital, Rangpur.
Pre Prof Assessment Examination February-2021
Short Answer Question (SAQ)
Subject: Obstetrics & Gynecology
Paper -I
Full marks: 70
Time: 2 hr 30 min.
(N.B) all questions carry equal marks. Answer any seven (07) questions from each group, Use
separate answer script for each group,

Group A (5 x 7 = 35)

  1. a) What are the WHO antenatal visit schedules? How ANC prevents pregnancy complications?
    b) What do you mean by Booking antenatal visit? Role of Booking visit in pregnancy.
  2. a) What do you mean by term pregnancy? How will you calculate?
    b) A woman comes to you with 8 weeks of amenorrhea and excessive vomiting. What is you diagnosis and how can you manage her?
  3. What are the common mcdical disorders in pregnancy? A pregnant lady came to you at her 37 weeks of pregnancy with Hb level 5gm /di.
    a) What is your diagnosis?
    b) How will you proceed to investigate this case?
    c) How will you treat such a case?
  4. a) What is Rh is immunization? What are the measures to prevent Rh is immunization ?
    b) A lady p 0+0 came to you at her 12 weeks of pregnancy. You found her blood group is (o-ve) What is the management plan?
  5. A pregnant lady came to you at her 32 weeks pregnancy for routine antenatal check up. O/E found her FH correspond to 36 weeks pregnancy size and abdominal girth was 110 cm with shortness of breath.
    (a)What are the D/D? & how will you confirm your diagnosis?
    (b) How will you manage these case.
  6. a) Define GDM?
    b) What are the complication associated with GDM?
    c) What is SMBG (monitoring of blood glucose)
  7. A lady came to you 5 days after home delivery with foul smelling P/V discharge & fever O/E SFH 20cm size.
    a)What is your diagnosis?
    b) What investigations you suggest for here?
    c)How will you proceed to treat the case?
  8. Write short note:
    a) Assisted vaginal delivery b) Infection prevention & control.

Group B (5 x 7=35 marks)

  1. A pregnant lady of 18 years old present at her 36 weeks of pregnancy with Blurring of vision, epigastric pain and less fetal movement. On examination her BP 220/140 mmHg. Abdominal examination revealed SFH 32 weeks.
    a) What is your diagnosis
    b) Mention Investigations which is needed for diagnosis and management of this patient.
    c) Write down the principle of management of this patient.
  2. A 20 years old para 0+0, admitted at her 38 wks pregnancy. On examination reveals single fetus
    longitudinal lic and podalic pole on her brim.
    a) What is your probable diagnosis
    b) How can you confirm your diagnosis
    c) What are the different varieties of breech presentation
    d) Mention the complications of vaginal breech delivery
  3. a Define MMR. What is the present MMR in Bangladesh.
    b) What are the goals of SDG?
    c) Causes of maternal mortality ?
  4. A pregnant lady Para (3+0) came to you at her 28 wks of pregnancy with per vaginal watery discharge.
    a) What is your diagnosis
    b) How will you confirm your diagnosis?
    c) Give the treatment of above case.
  5. Define IUFD. What are the causes of IUFD.
    a) Mention its complication.
    b) A 28 yrs old pregnant lady p 0+0 came at her 41 wks of pregnancy with IUFD. How will you manage her?
  6. A newborn baby developed jaundice at 3 day of delivery.
    a) What are the causes of neonatal jaundice?
    b) How will you manage the baby?
  7. a) What are the criteria at true labour pain?
    b) How will you differentiate it from false labour pain?
    c) Define pertograph? Mentions its components
  8. Write short note:
    a) PAS disorder
    b) HELLP syndrome.
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