General Bipin Rawat and his wife Mrs. Madhulika Rawat with others 11 Armies dies on Helicopter Crash : Doctors Gang News
Helicopter Crash indian Army chief
A military helicopter carrying India’s highest-ranking military official crashed lastday(Wednesday) in the southern state of Tamil Nadu,India, killing him and 12 others, according to the Indian air force, which has launched an inquiry.
The Russian Mi – 17V5 helicopter was carrying Chief of Defense Staff Bipin Rawat and his Mrs. Madhulika Rawat when it crashed.
“With deep regret , it has now been ascertained that General Bipin Rawat, and his wife Mrs. Madhulika Rawat and 11 other army personnel on helicopter have died in the unnatural and unfortunate accident ” the air force told in a statement on about the Helicopter Crash.
There were no immediate indications of foul play. Videos from the crash lf helicopter site broadcast by local news outlets showed the charred wreckage burning in a Jungle area, with local residents and rescuers attempting to extinguish the blaze. Local residents/outlets show as saying the helicopter may have struck a tree accidentally.
In 2015, General Rawat previously survived a helicopter crash, his Cheetah helicopter suffered an engine failure and plummeted moments after it lifted off from a military base in northeast India. He also suffered minor injuries in that. He is Born into a military family, Rawat began as an infantry commander and rose to become the army chief in 2019, when he oversaw an airstrike in Pakistan’s Balakot in retaliation for a terrorist attack against Indian soldiers in Kashmir. The Indian airstrike was criticized for achieving scant military objectives for this, but it stoked indian nationalist sentiment just weeks before national elections in India.
General Bipin Rawat(63) was promoted in 2019 to chief of defense staff, a newly created role almost similar to the United States(US) chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. General Bipin Rawat’s mandate was to lead a military modernization effort to unify the India’s army, navy and air force under a command.
On last day Wednesday, Indian Prime Minister hailed Rawat as an “outstanding soldier” who “greatly contributed to modernizing our armed forces.” General Qamar Javed Bajwa, who was for several years General Bipin Rawat’s direct counterpart in the rival Pakistani army, expressed condolences via the Pakistani military’s Twitt.
The Indian military has undergone a significant reorientation in recent years as it redeploys resources and troops once targeted toward Pakistan to confront China, its massive northern neighbor. But under General Bipin Rawat’s watch, the Indian military has seen its budget relative to the indian government’s total expenditures shrink consistently year after year as India’s economy sagged and its outlays on costs such as pensions have risen.
As Indian and Chinese troops skirmished along the remote Himalayan border in recent years, General Bipin Rawat had been one of the most vocal Indian officials to characterize Beijing rather than Pakistan as the top threat to India. He pulled the Indian military closer to the Biden administration, seeking to counter China. In October 2021, he visited Washington to discuss closer collaboration with United States counterpart, Army General Mark A. Milley, and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin.
Indian military chief helicopter accident
After General Bipin Rawat’s death, the United States Embassy in New Delhi issued a statement calling General Bipin Rawat “a strong friend and partner of the United States, overseeing a major expansion of India’s defense cooperation with the United States military.”
Pravin Sawhney, a veteran defense analyst and editor of Force Magazine in the Indian capital, said the military overhaul that Rawat led was still old-fashioned and treated China as an extension of India’s traditional adversary — Pakistan — rather than as a far more sophisticated rival that could deploy advanced and modern technology and cyberweapons.
General Bipin Rawat’s successor will need to continue the modernization push but in a different way, Sawhney told.
“China today is three generations ahead of India militarily,” he also said. “Something new is required for indian Military”.
Name of Army Personnel who dies in this helicopter crash
Army personnel who died in this Crash:
- Gen Bipin Rawat
- Mrs. Madhulika Rawat
- Brigadier L S Lidder,
- Lt Colonel Harjinder Singh (Security Officer to CDS),
- Naik Gursewak Singh,
- Naik Jitendra Kumar,
- Lance Naik Vivek Kumar,
- Lance Naik B Sai Teja and
- Havildar Satpal (all personal security officers to the CDS).
- The crew members who died were pilot Wing Commander Chauhan,
- Squadron Leader Kuldeep and
- Junior Wing Officers Pradeep and Das.
Source : news, news,