Final Professional MBBS examination Question November 19 : Medicine Paper II DU

Final Professional MBBS Examination of (Nov) 2019 DU: Medicine -II

Content :

Subject: Medicine Paper-II

Medicine Paper-II (SAQ)


a) How would you differentiate tubercular leprosy from lepromatous leprosy?
b) How would you manage a case of eczema?

a) Mention 5(five) causes of generalized itching with skin manifestation.
b Write down the management of a case of acne vulgaris.

a) Mention clinical features of bipolar disorder.
b) How would you manage a case of bipolar disorder?

a) Mention the clinical features of depression.
b) Name 3 (three) antideprssent drugs with their 2(two major side effects of each.

a) Mention clinical features of Down syndrome
b) Mention different types of tremor with example.

a) What is expanded dengue syndrome ?
b) What are the warning signs of dengue?

a) What are the signs of atropinization?
b) How would you manage a case with paracetamol poisoning?

a) A 35 years old man presents with spastic paraparesis. What clinical information you
would search for its aetiology ?
b) Write down the management steps of status epilepticus.

Medicine Paper-II Group-B (Paediatrics)


a) What is IMCI
b) What are the general danger signs of sick children (Age-6 months upto 59 month) according to IMCI?

A 3 year old boy presented with high grade ſever for 2 days and convulsion for 1 day. On examination he had neck rigidity.
a) What is the most likely diagnosis?
b) Write down. the expected CSF findings in this case.

A 5 year old boy presented with fever and right upper abdominal pain for 4 days. He had history of taking street food. On examination he had jaundice
a) What is the likely diagnosis?
b) Mention 4 important investigations for this child.

A 3 year old boy has recurrent wheeze since 2 year of age. Suddenly he developed
severe breathlessness. On auscultation of chest you have found profuse rhonchi throughout the whole lung fields.
a) What is your diagnosis?
b) How will you manage this child immediately?

a) Write down 3 leading causes of neonatal mortality in Bangladesh.
b) Mention 4 criteria of physiological jaundice.

Mention the mile stone of development of a 18 month old boy


A 7 year old boy presented with multiple bleeding spot in different parts of the body for 3 days. On examination she was afebrile, mildly anaenic and there was
no organomegaly and lymphadenopathy
a) What is the most likely diagnosis?
b) Write down 3 important investigations.

A 16 month old boy presented with recurrent respiratory tract infection since early infancy. He is not growing well and becomes tired during exertion. He has a pansystolic murmur on auscultation.
a) What is the most likely diagnosis?
b) Write down 3 complications for this diagnosis.

a) Write down four common causes of poisoning in children.
b) How will you manage a case of ene poisoning in children

a) Mention names of vaccine preventable diseases under EPI
b) Write down 3 common complications of measles.

A 5 year old girl presented with low grade fever for 2 months, swelling in the neck for 1 month. She had evening rise of temperature and loss of weight for last 1 month.
a) What is the most probable diagnosis?
b) How will you investigate the case?

a) Who is a child?
b) Write down the stages of child’s life from conception to adulthood.

Medicine Paper-II (MCQ)



Group B

Doctors Gang
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