FCPS part 1 Opthalmology Syllabus | BCPS| Doctors Gang


(IncludingContents of Exciminations)






Published by :

Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons

Mohakhali, Dhaka-1212.

Edition : January, 2003

Printed by :

Asian Colour Printing.

130 DIT Extension Road

 Fakirerpool, Dhaka-1000

Phone: 9357726



Anatomy (Paper-I)

I.      Section : A (Basic)

II. Section : B (Applied)

Physiology (Paper-II)

I.   Section : A (Basic)

II.  Section : B (Applied)

Pathology (Paper-III)

I.    Section : A – Basic (General) :

II.   Section – B : ( Applied)

Topic – Wise Distribution

Part – I

Part – II

Part – III

Anatomy (Basic)

Anatomy (Applied)


Physiology (Applied)


Pathology (Applied)


FCPS Part-II Examination in Ophthalmolog

I.  Eligibility Criteria

II. Teaching and Training Contents

III. Examination Contents

1    Written Examination :

2.  Clinical Examination :

3. Oral and Practical Examination :

FCPS opthalmology PART 1 syllabus 

Paper 1 Syllabus

Anatomy for paper 1


Candidates should have a knowledge of the structures and functions of head and neck, central nervous system and thoracic viscera. A candidate is also required to know the basic of histology of relevant structures so that he can understand functions of different tissues and organs.

Basic general anatomy :

CNS : Head and Neck & Brain

Anatomy of the cranial cavity and contents.

Brain, spinal cord, meninges

Cerebral circulation

Cranial nerves

Anatomy of the base of the skull and paranasal sinuses Peripheral Nerves – related to ophthalmic importance CSF formation and circulation

Autonomic Nervous system – Organization & Functions

Respiratory system : Airway & Lungs

Anatomical basis of the maintenance of airway and tracheostomy

Cardiovascular system :



Coronary circulation

Major arteries and veins – course and distribution in head & neck

Endocrine system : Pituitary gland

Thyroid gland

Other endocrine glands

Musculo skeletal system : Facial muscles

Muscles of Head & neck Bulbar muscles

astro intestinal tract, liver spleen & kidneys

Embryology :

Knowledge of basic embryology & embryology related to ophthalmology. Basis of congenital anomalies which may produce ocular problems.


Candidates will have detailed knowledge of the structure and function of the eye, the ocular adnexa, orbit, paranasal sinuses, visual pathway and visual cortex.

01) Development of the Eye and ocular appendages

02) Anatomy of the skull


04) Paranasal sinuses

05) The ocular appendages : eyelids, conjunctiva and lacrimal apparatus

06) The eyeball and its dimensions –

a) The cornea and sclera

b) Anterior chamber and drainage angle

c)  The iris

d) The posterior chamber & ciliary body

e) The choroid and uveal vessels

f)  The lens & zonules

g) The vitreous

h) The retina

07) The extraocular muscles and ocular movements

08) The orbital blood vessels

09) The orbital nerves

10) The visual pathway and visual cortex

11) The autonomic nervous system related to ophthalmology. PHYSIOLOGY (PAPER-II)


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01. The General & Cellular Basis of Medical Physiology.

02. Physiology of nerve & muscle cells.

a) Excitable tissue : Nerve

b) Excitable tissue : Muscle

c)  Synaptic & functional transmission

d) Initiation of impulses in sense organs

03. Functions of the nervous system :

a) Cerebrospinal fluid

b) Intracranial pressure

c)  Temperature control

d) Spinal cord function

e) Cerebral blood flow

04. Blood and reticuloendothelial system :

a)    Function of the haemopoietic and reticulo endothelial system. Haemostasis and fibrinolysis.

b)    Blood grouping and cross matching.

c)    Transfusion and its hazards.

d)    Functions of plasma proteins.

05. Respiratory system :

a)   Mechanism of ventilation.

b)   Mechanical and cellular respiration – factors which may affect them.

c)   Pulmonary function tests.

d)   Respiratory failure.

e)   Oxygen therapy and ventilatory support.

06. Cardiovascular system :

a)  Electrocardiography.

b)  Blood flow and its management.

c)   Regulation of blood pressure.

d)  Shock, central venous pressure.

e)  Cardiac output.

f)   Capillary function and fluid exchange.

g)  Cardiac failure – Inotropic and chronotropic drugs.

h)  Oedema.


07. Endocrine System :

a)  Hypothalamas.

b)  Pituitary, Thyroid.

Parathyroid and Adrenal glands. Pancreas.

c)  Pregnancy.

d)  Gonadal function.

08. Fluid and Electrolytes :

a)  Acid base balance.

b)  Fluid balance.

c)  Body fluid.

d)  Fluid compartments.

e)  Electrolytes.

09. Metabolism and Nutrition :

a)  Metabolism of carbohydrate, lipid and protein.

b)  Basal metabolic rate.

c)  Dietary balance.

d)  Vitamins.

e)  Enteral and parenteral feeding.

10. Renal Physiology :

a) Assessment of renal function.

b) Renal blood flow.

c) Formation and composition of urine.

d) Renal failure.

11. Gastrointestinal Function :

Digestion, absorption & regulation of gastrointestinal function.


1.    Basic concept of biostatistics : defination, importance, uses, scope and limitations.

2.    Defination and concept of important terms and rates used in medical and vital statistics.

3.    Types of studies, common terminology, methods of data collection.

4.    Concept of sampling.

5.    Basic concept of probalility.

6.    Frequency and probability distribution concept and their application in medicine.

7.    Methods of displaying and projecting data.

8.    Correlation and regression.

9.    Measures of variability.

10. Basic concept of experimental design relevant to medical science, clinical trial.

11. Test of significance.

12. Methods and principles of recording and maintenance of information.

13. Requirements of health information system. II. SECTION : B (APPLIED)

(Ocular Physiology, Biochemistry & Pharmacology)

The candidate should have the knowledge of the physiological
function of the normal eye, ocular adnexa, the orbit and visual


A. Physiology & biochemistry :

1.  The eyelids.

2.  The lacrimal apparatus.

3.  ConjunctiVa.

4.  The cornea.

Somatosensory features of the eye

7.   Ocular circulation.

8.   The ciliary epithelia & aqueous humor.

9.   Intraocular pressure.

10. The vitreous.

11. The lens.

12. Accommodation.

13. The pupil.

14. Radiometry and photometry.

15. Metabolism and photochemistry in the retina.

16. Entoptic imagery.

17. Visual adaptation.

18. Visual acuity.

19. The temporal responsiveness of vision.

20. The retina.

21. The optic nerve.

22. Electrical phenomena in the retina.

23. Color vision.

24. The central visual pathway.

25. Binocular vision.

26. Physical principles of optics.

B. Pharmacology

1.    Local anaesthetics.

2.    Viscoelastics.

3.    Medical agents in surgical care.

4.    Therapy of diseases of the Eyelids.




5.    Therapy of glaucomas.

6.    Therapy of intraocular infections.

7.    Therapy of diseases of the retina.

iTherapeautic agents :

1.   Miotics.

2.   Mydriatics and cycloplegics.

3.   Antiinflammatory agents.

4.   Immuno suppressive agents (anti neoplastic).

5.   Chemotherapeutic agents.

6.   Analgesics.

7.   Anaesthetic agents : Local


8.   Antihistamines

9.   Antifungal agents.

10.  Antiviral agents.

11.  Anti anxiety drugs.

12.  Beta adrenergic blocking agents.

13.  Anticoagulants.

14.  Chelating and epitheliolytic agents.

15.  Enzymes.

16.  Preservative.

17.  Antiseptics.

18.  Sedative.

19.  Hypnotics.

20.  Vaccines.

21.  Vasodilators.

22.  Vitamins.

23.  Paediatric dosages determination.



The candidate should have sound knowledge of the principles of Pathology, Microbiology, Virology, Parasitology and Immunology. Knowledge of inflammation, Infection, Neoplasia, Atrophy, Hypertrophy, Hyperplasia and Metaplasia etc.

1.    Cellular growth and differentiation. Normal regulation and adaptations.

2.    Cellular injury and cellular death. Cause of diseases.

03 Inflammation and repair.

04. Haemodynamic disorders, thrombosis and shock. General reaction to trauma

Haemorrhage, shock and embolism.

Ischaemia and infarction.

Disturbances of body’s fluid and electrolyte balance.

05 Connective tissue : its normal structure and the effects of diseases.

06 Disorders of metabolism.

7.  Disorders of nutrition.

8.  Disturbances of endocrine functions.

9.  Calcium metabolism and heterotopic calcification.

10.  Temperature regulation : fever & hypothermia.

11.  Oedema.

12.  Amyloidosis.

13.  The plasma proteins.

14.  Pigments of the body and their disorders.

15.  Disorders of the blood : the red cells, the white cells and the platelets.

16.  Blood grouping and blood transfusion.

17.  The principles of disinfection.
18. Principles of bacteriological diagnosis.

19. The physics of ionising radiation.

20. Genetic disorder –

Basic Principles of Genetics :

(Genetics of ocular disorders and general disorders with ocular involvement)

21 Immunological disorders : basic aspects.

22.                             Neoplasia –


Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy


23.                             Infectious diseases : Body’s defence against infection Body’s response to infection

Acute pyogenic infection

Hospital infection

Specific infectious diseases


·      Neoplastic conditions

·      Raised intracranial pressure

·      Skull fractures

·      Closed head injury

·      Cerebrovascular diseases

·      Demyelination, Parkinsonism

Respiratory system :

Condition which can give rise to ocular features e.g. inflammatory, degenerative and vascular disorders.

Cardio vascular system :

·      Aneurysm

·      Peripheral vascular disease

·      Coronary artery disease

·       Thrombosis / embolism

·      Venous insufficiency


  Pathology specimens :

·      Frozen section technique

·      Biopsy technique

·      Handling, fixation and transport of specimens

·      Aspiration Cytology


1.   Immunological aspect of ophthalmic diseases : general principles.

2.   Immunology & ophthalmic disease : major immunologic features, immune response, immunologic pathogenesis, immunologic diagnosis and immunotherapy.

3.   Hypersensitivity and drug reaction.

4.   Autoimmunity and autoimmune diseases.

5.   Immunodeficiency disorders affecting the eye.

6.   Transplantation immunology.

Organ tansplantation, Graft rejection.

7.   Tumour immunity.

Virology :

1.   Classification, General characters and Morphology.

2.   Replication of viruses.

3.   Interferon, Interference.

4.   Bacteriophages (General principles).

Parasitology :

01. Host parasites relation, Ideal parasites, Classification of medically important parasites.

Mycology :

Classification, cultural character of fungi.


1.    Introduction, Design strategies, Descriptive studies, Case reports and Case series, Surveys.

2.    Analytic design : Observational, Experimental, or Interventional Study (Clinical trial)

3.    Statistical association : Chance, Bias, Confounding, Validity, Generalizability, Consistency.

4.    Sample size and power.


Detailed knowledge of pathology of eye, ocular adnexa, the orbit and visual pathway.

Ophthalmic pathology :

1.   Efficient tissue preparation and interpretation.

2.   Inflammation – particular reference to the eye.

3.   Ophthalmic wound healing, surgical complication and trauma.

4.   Congenital defects.

5.   Eye lids.

6.   The conjunctiva.

7.   Cornea.

8.   Lens.

9.   Retina & Vitreous.

10. Vascular disorders of the eye.

11. Orbit.

12. Optic nerve.

13. The glaucomas.

14. Primary and secondary tumors of the eye.

15. Ocular tissue effect of hypotension and hypertension of the eyeball.

16. Infection and Sterilization.



Anatomy including Histology, Embryology


General Physiology

Ocular Physiology, Biochemistry & Pharmacology


Pathology, Microbiology, Parasitology, Virology & Immunology
Ocular Pathology

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Marks : 50

1.  Head & Neck

2.  Central Nervous System

3.  Respiratory System

4.  Cardio Vascular System

5.  Endocrinology

6.  Gastro Intestinal Tract, Liver Spleen & Kidney

7.  Embryology




Marks : 50

1.   Development of Eye & Ocular Appendages

2.   Anatomy of the Skull

3.   Orbit

4.   Paranasal Sinuses

5.   Eyelids, Conj, Lacrimal App.

6.   Eyeball & Dimensions

7.   Extra Ocular Muscles

8.   Visual Pathway & Visual Cortex

9.   Autonomic Nervous System



General Physiology & Biochemistry-38

Pharmacology -06

Biostatistics -06

1.  General & Cellular Basis of Physiology

2. Nerve & Muscle Cells

3. Nervous system

4. Blood and Reticulo Endothelial System

5. Respiratory System

6. Cardiovascular System

7. Endocrine system

8. Fl. & Electrolytes

9. Metabolism & Nutrition

10. Renal Physiology

11. Gastrointestinal Function






Marks 50

1.    The eyelids and lacrimal apparatus

2.    The conjunctiva and cornea

3.    Somatosensory features of the eye

4.    Extraocular muscles

5.    Ocular circulation

6.    The pupil & accommodation

7.    The lens

8.    Physiology of vision

9.    Vitreous

10.  The retina

11.  The central visual pathway




Pathology       84

Epidemiology 16




1.   Cellular Injury, Inflammation and Repair

2.   Haemodynamic Disorders

3.   Connective Tissue Disorder

4.   Metabolic & Endocrine Disorders

5.   Blood Disorder (Including Transfusion Medicine)

6.   Microbiology

7.   Genetic Disorders

8.   Neoplasia

9.   Histopathology

10. Immunological Disorder

11 Tissue Tramplantation




Marks : 50

1.  Inflammation

2.  Wound healing

3.  Congenital defects

4.  Diseases of adnexa

5.  Anterior segment diseases

6.  Vitreo retinal disorders

7.  Effects of hypo and hypertension on eyeball (including


8.  Orbital disorders

9.  Neuro ophthalmology

10.  Neoplasms

Infection & Sterilization 

12.  Ocular Pharmacology

FCPS opthalmology part II Syllabus 


Eligibility Criteria :

1.Must have medical qualification approved by the Bangladesh Medical and Dental Council for the purpose of registration.

2.Must have passed FCPS Part-I examination in Ophthalmology.

3.Must have completed a minimum of two years full time or equivalent training in Ophthalmology in an approved post recognized by BCPS.

4.Must have completed one academic year of postgraduate course or an extra year of full time residential training in Ophthalmology (in addition to minimum two year institutional training mentioned above) from an institute recognized by BCPS after passing FCPS Part-I examination.

5.Training & in-course log book. Separate training and in-course log book designed and approved by BCPS must be submitted before appearing in Part-II examination. The log book should be duly signed by unit head not below the rank of Associate Professor. Performances recorded in the log book should be duly signed by not less than three course seniors/faculty members prior to the approval of unit head.

6.Candidate with MS or equivalent degree in General Ophthalmology may appear in FCPS Part-II directly, provided the candidate has requisite training (Three years course period will not be accepted as training period). Training log book should be submitted along with.

7. II . Teaching and Training contents.

1. Clinical methods of examination & applied visual optics & refraction- 8 weeks

2. Medical Ophthalmology-6 weeks

3.Community Ophthalmology-2 weeks

4.Paediatric Ophthalmology 6 weeks

5.Cataracts and their management.6weeks

6.Oculoplastics/Glaticoma-08 weeks

7. Uveal, Vitero retinal diseases. 08 weeks
8.Neuro Ophthalmology- 8 weeks

Emphasis will also be given on :

1.       Communication skills.

2.       Epidemiology and Biostatistics.

3.       Literature research capability/computer use. III . Examination Contents.

The overall format for all clinical courses leading to FCPS should be similar. However, ophthalmology deserved special attention because of instrumental involvement at large. Considering the same the overall structure of examination needs some modification. General format will be same— written, clinical and practical.


a) Examination content :

i) Applied optics and ophthalmic Pathology : Paper – I

Marks Distribution :

·      Optics : 40

·      Clinical Pathology : 40

·       Anatomy and Physiology (applied)

(In-short notes) : 20

ii) Clinical ophthalmology : Paper – II

·       Medical ophthalmology

 • Surgical ophthalmology       75

·       Neuro-ophthalmology  : 25

b) Form of examination :

Each paper will have two parts

i)      a) Short essay type part (Problem solving, interpretation of data, case scenario) (one questions of 5 parts).

b) Short notes (one question of 5 parts).

ii)     Long question – 2 in number (Problem solving, Data interpretation, case study all combined).

2. Clinical Examination : This part will have 4 components.

a)  Long case.

b)  Short case.

c)  OSCE.

d)  Refraction & clinical optics.

a) Long case :

1.   Objective of long case examination will be to assess communication skill, art of history taking, examination skill, capability of interpretation of findings in reaching a diagnosis and management.

2.   Long case : 1 (One) Duration : 30 minutes

A set of examiners will observe the procedures without interruption for 20 minutes and then the candidate will be interrogated for 10 minutes.

b) Short case :

The objective will be to assess the clinical skill, handling of the patient and their attendant (where needed) and interpretation capacity.

The duration will be 30 minutes.

Cases to be examined – minimum 3 of anterior segment and minimum 3 of posterior segment.

c) An objective structured clinical examination :

Duration : 15 minutes may have 5 stations. Conducted by 2 ophthalmologists.

d) Refraction & clinical optics :

Clinical optics and refraction are integral part of clinical skill and management aspects of ophthalmic component.

Form of examination : A practical examination in refraction. Duration – 25 minutes.

Candidate Will spend 15 minutes with the patient uninterruptedly and remaining 10 minutes with the examiners

Conducting examiners will be 2 ophthalmologists

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Doctors Gang
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