FCPS PART 1 Dermatology Syllabus in Bangladesh | BCPS| Doctors Gang

FCPS PART 1 Dermatology Syllabus 





1.   Cell and cell division.

2.   Skin and mucous membrane.

3.   Skin appendages.

4.   Connective tissue.

5.   STD & AIDS.

6.   General aspects of dermatological practice.

7.   Peripheral nervous system.

8.   Cutaneous vascular system.

9.   Genito urinary system.














1.     Cell kinetics and differentiation.

2.     Eczema, pruritus, drug reaction and contact dermatitis.

3.     Cutaneous photobiology.

4.     Drug therapy in Dermatology

5.     Medical statistics.

6.     Functional organization of human body and internal environment including water and electrolyte balance.

7.     Percutaneous absorption.

Endocrine system














1.   Inflammation and repair

2.   Genetic disorder and genodermatoses

3.   Cellular injury and adaptation

4.   Immunology and Allergy.

5.   Neoplasm.

6.   Common parasitic diseases of skin

7.   Common bacterial diseases of skin including Mycobacterial disease

8.   Common viral infection of skin including AIDS.

9.   Urticaria and purpura.

10. Fungus.












FCPS syllabus in Bangladesh 

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1. Cell and cell division.

You should know details about cell and cell division.

Examples of topics that might be included :

·      Organization of the cell.

·      Physical structure of cell.

·      Functional system of cell.

·      Genetic control of protein synthesis, cell function and cell reproduction.

·      Cell division (mitosis, meiosis).

·      The forms and characteristics of epithelial tissue, connective tissue, adipose tissue, nerve tissue, muscle tissue.

2. Skin and mucous membrane.

Anatomy and physiology.

You should have knowledge of the basic anatomy and physiology of skin and mucous membrane.

Examples of topics that might be included :

·      Normal anatomy and development of skin and mucous membrane.

·      Cells character – keratinocyte, melanocyte, langerhan’s cell, merkel cells

·      Function of skin and mucous membrane.

·      Epidermal- dermal junction.

3. Skin appendages

You should have knowledge of basic anatomy and physiology of epidermal appendages (Hair, nail, eccrine gland, sebaceous gland and apocrine gland)

Examples of topics that might be included :

·      Structure and development of Hair, nail, eccrine gland, sebaceous gland and apocrine gland.

·      Functions of hair, nail, eccrine gland and apocrine gland.

·      Mechanism of secretion of sweat and composition of sweat.

·      Mechanism of secretion of sebum

·      Composition and function of sebum.


4. Connective tissue

You should know the anatomy and physiology of connective tissue.

Examples of topics that might be included :

·      Normal structure of connective tissue (collagen, elastic and reticular fibre).


·      Function of connective tissue (Collagen, elastic and reticular fibre).

Clinical condition

You should have some basic concept about the clinical features, investigation and management of common connective tissue disorders likely to be encountered by Dermatologist.

Examples of topics that might be included :

·      SLE

·      DLE

·      Scleroderma

·      Dermatomyositis

·      Rheumatoid arthritis

5. STD and AIDS

You should have basic concepts about epidemiology, transmission, clinical manifestation , laboratory investigation and management of following STD’s.

·      Syphilis

·      Gonorrhoea

·      LGV (Lymphogranuloma venerum)

·      GI( Granuloma inguinale)

·      Chancroid

·      Herpes progenitalis

·   AIDS

6. General aspects of Dermatological practice

You should have sound knowledge and understanding of attributes of a good dermatologist .


Examples of topic that might be included

·       Doctor patient relationship and approach to the patient

·       General aspects of history taking

·       General physical examination

·       Medical ethics

·       Socio-demographic influence on pathogenesis and management of diseases

·       Primary and secondary skin lesions

·       Glossary of skin diseases.

·       Cost awareness in medicine

Laboratory methods :

Skin incision and biopsy

Nail clipping and biopsy

Skin scrapping and slit skin smear, smear specimen collection, Smear-flxation and staining.

7. Peripheral nervous system Clinical Science

You should understand :

·       Structure and function of nerve receptors, nerve cells and nerves (Carnial and peripheral nerves)

·       Cutaneous innervation (dermatome)

·       Autonomic nervous system

·       The organization of pathways within spinal cord.

·       CSF composition and abnormalities related to skin disease.

·       Reflexes including muscle tone.

8. Cutaneous vascular system including lymphatic system You will be expected to have knowledge of the following

·       Cutaneous vascular supply and lymphatics.

·       function of cutaneous vasculature and lymphatics

·       Physiology, control and function of formed elements.

·       Thermal regulation.

Clinical condition

You should possess knowledge of

·       Erythema, telengiectasia, varicosity.

·       Raynaud’s phenomenon and raynaud’s disease.

·       Lymphodema

9. Genito urinary system

You should be familiar with following organ Examples of topics that might be included

·       Structure and function of testis

·       Structure and function of epididymis

·       Structure and function of prostate

·       Structure and function of urethra

·       Structure and function of penis

·       Structure and function of female genital organ (vulva, vagina, uterus. Fallopian tubes and ovary)

·       Physiology of Coitus.

·       Menstrual cycle and ovulation.

·       Spermatogenesis and fertilization.

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1. Cell kinetic’s and differentiation

You should have basic knowledge about cell kinetic’s and differentiation. Examples of topics that might be included

·      Keratinization

·      Cell cycle

·      Cutaneous cells cytokines

Clinical condition

·      Psoriasis

·      Lichen planus

·      Exfoliative dermatitis

·      PRP

·      Icthyosiform dermatoses

2. Eczema, pruritus, drug reaction and contact dermatitis You should have sound knowledge about the eczema, pruritus, drug reaction and contact dermatitis :

Examples of topics that might be included :


·      Definition

·      Classification

·      Pathogenesis

·      Clinical features

·      Management


·      Definition

·      Etiology and pathogenesis

·      Path way

·      Management

Drug reaction & contact dermatitis

·      Mechanism of drug reaction

·      Adverse cutaneous drug reaction.

·      Allergic contact dermatiis

·      Irritant contact dermatitis

3. Cutaneous photobiology

You should have some knowledge about cutaneous photobiology

Examples of topics that should be included :

·      Basic concepts about ultraviolet radiation

·      Text Box: 6clip image002Basic concepts about photo protection 4. Drug therapy in Dermatology

You should know drugs used in Dermatology. Examples of topic that might be included:

Classification, mechanism, doses and side effects of following therapy :

·      Antihistamines

·      Antimicrobials

·      Antimalarial

·      Antitubercular

·      Antileprotic

·      Cytotoxic

·      Vasodilator

·      Retinoids

·      Antifungal

·      Steroid

5. Medical statistics

You should have a basic understanding of the usage and limitations of the common statistical tests used in reporting the results of research in clinical journals. The following lists of terms should give some idea of the range of terms and techniques which you should understand, all of which can be found regularly in journals such as J Am Acad Dermatol, Bangladesh Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology, Br Journal of Dermatol.

You are not expected to have any knowledge of computer packages for carrying out statistical calculations. You may be expected to carry out simple calculations that do not require the use of calculator. You are not expected to memorise formulae for statistical tests, but should understand their conceptual basis.

The following lists are not intended to be inclusive but as illustrative of the type of knowledge that you need to inclusive but as illustrative of the type of knowledge that you need to possess.

Research methodology    Definition and types


Prevalence Sampling

Survey Retrospective study Prospective study Control group Placebo


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Descriptive Statistics

Examples of topics that might be included :

·       Mean, median, mode

·       Standard deviation, standard error

·       Confidence interval

·       Variance

·       Range, quartile, inter-quartile range

·       Percentile

·       Skewness

·       Contingency table

·       Population

·     Missing values

·       Outlires

Graphical techniques

Examples of topics that might be included :

·       Histogram

·       Box-plot

·       Scattergram

Inferential techniques

Examples of topics that might be included :

·     Null hypothesis

·     Alternative hypothesis

·     Parametric and non-parametric tests

·     Normal distribution

·     Type 1 and Type 2 errors

·     False positive and false negative

·     Statistical power

·     One and two-tailed tests

·     Statistical significance, P value

·     T-test

·     Mann-Whitney and Wilcoxon test

·     Chi-square test for 2 x 2 contingency table

·     Correlation (Pearson’s and spearman’s)

·     Linear regression

·     Study design

Clinical trials

Examples of topics that might be included :

·     Interpretation of simple clinical trial data

·     Randomization

·     Placebo-controlled trial

·     Open trial

·     Single-blind trial

·     Double-blind trial

·     Intention-to-treat

·     Bias

Evidence-based Medicine

You are expected to have an understanding of evidence-based Medicine and an ability to apply this understanding in the management of patients.

6. Functional organization of human body and internal environment including water and electrolyte balance.

Examples of topics that might be included :

·     Cells as the living units of the body.

·     Extracellular fluid the internal environment.

·     Homestatic mechanisms of the major functional system.

·     Control systems of the body.

7. Percutaneous absorption

You should have basic knowledge about percutaneous asborption : Examples of topics that might be included :

·     Mechanism of percuteneous absorption.

·     Topical dermatological therapy and percutaneous absorption.

·     Hazzards of percutaneous drug absorption.

8. Endocrine System

You should have knowledge of the clinically relevant anatomical aspects of this specialities :


You will require knowledge of the endocrine system.



Examples of topics that might be included :

·      The physiology and pathophysiology of control of pituitary secretion.

·      Tests of pituitary hormone secretion.

·      Pituitary disorders such as acromegally, Prolactinoma and cushing disease, hypopituitarism


You should know the thyroid gland

·      Thyroid hormone biosynthesis and its control.

·      Clinical features of thyrotoxicosis and hypothyroidism.


You are expected to know of those parts which on clinically important.

Examples of topics that might be included :

·      Hormone of adrenal gland

·   Tests of adrenocortical function

·   Addison’s diseases and cushing syndrome.

Testis and Ovary

You are expected to have some knowledge about infertility and endocrine aspects of testicular function

Examples of topics that might be included

·      Etiology of hypogonadism, primary and secondary

Causes of male infertility related to medical diseases and treatment.

·      Causes of erectile dysfunction and its investigation

·      Composition of semen.

·   Testosterone and other male sex hormones

·      Ovarian dysfunction and female infertility. Parathyroid

You are expected to have some concept about parathyroid gland.

Examples of topics that might be included

·      Control of calcium metabolism

·      Causes of hypercalcimia and hypocalcimia



9. Metabolism

Clinical condition

Examples of topics that might be included :

·      Vitamin’s and its related disorder

·      Zinc and its related disorder

·      Amyloid and its related disorder

·      Porphyrias

·      Lipid and related disorder

·      Heavy Metals- Arsenic

·      Mucin and related disorder.

10. Skin pigmentary disorder

You will have knowledge about biology of melanocytes Clinical condition related to pigmentory disorder

·   Vitiligo

·      Generalised hyper pigmentation.

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1. Inflammation and repair

You should have basic concept about inflammation and repair Examples of topics that might be included :

·      Acute inflammation

·      Chronic inflammation

·      Chemical mediators of inflammation

·      Morphologic patterns of acute and chronic inflammation

·      Granuloma


You should have basic knowledge about repair Examples of topics that might be included :

·      Inflammation (Phase 1)

·      Proliferation and tissue formation (Phase 2)

·      Tissue remodeling (Phase 3)

2. Genetics and Genodermatoses.

You should have an understanding of the structure and function of chromosomes and genes and knowledge of the principles of inheritance of chromosomal and genetic disorder.

Examples of topics that might be included :

·      Chromosomal basis of inheritance

·      Single gene disorder

·      Multifactorial disorder

·      Genetic counseling

·      Perinatal diagnosis


·      Tuberous sclerosis

*      Neurofibromatosis

*      Epidermolysis bullosa.

*      Darier’s disease.


3. Cellular injury and adaptation

You should have sound knowledge about cellular injury and adaptation.

Examples of topics might be included :

Cellular injury

·      Necrosis

·      Ishaemic and hypoxic injury

·      Reversible and irreversible injury

·      Free radical injury

·      Chemical injuries

·      Apoptosis

·      Pathologic calcification.


·      Hyper trophy

·      Atrophy

·      Hyperplasia

·      Dysplasia

·      Metaplasia

4. Immunology and Allergy

You should have sound working knowledge of the principles of immuno mechanisms

Examples of topics that might be included :

·      Humoral and cell mediated immunity

·      Immunodeficiency syndrome

·      Complement deficiency

·      Hypersensitivity including allergies and autommune diseases.

Immonological Tests

You should have basic knowledge on the immune system in health and diseases.




Examples of topics that might be included :

·      Common Immunological laboratory tests.

·      Evaluation of patients with immune diseases.

·      Lymphocyte and phagocytic cell biology

·      Antigen presentation

·      Humoral, cellular and mucousal immunity including TH1 and TH2 response

·      Skin mast cells

·      Langerhan’s cells

·      Complement system and cytokines

·      Hypersensitivity and autoimmunity. Clinical conditions

You should be able to answer question on the various immunedeficiency syndrome.

You should know the main clinical characteristics and immediate management of acute allergic emergency .

Examples of topics that might be included :

·      Anaphylaxis

·      Angiodema

·      Urticaria

·      Graft versus host disease

5. Neoplasm

You should have basic knowledge about neoplasm and common neoplastic disorder affecting skin and mucous membrane.

Examples of topics that might be included :

·      Definition

·      Classification

·      Characteristics of Benign and malignant neoplasm

·      Carcinogen and pathogenesis

·      Oncogenes and tumour suppressor gene.

6. Common parasitic disease of skin

You should have knowledge about some parasitic diseases.



Examples of topics that might be included :

·      Scabies

·      Pediculosis

·      Filariasis

·      Leishmaniasis

7. Common Bacterial diseases including skin TB and leprosy.

You should have sound working knowledge about anatomy, physiology and diseases produced by bacteria.

Examples of topics that might be included

·      Streptococcal infection

·      Staphylococcal infection

·      Pseudomonas infection

·      GM-ve infection

·      Leprosy

·      Skin TB

·      Corynebacterial infection

8. Common Viral infections of skin

You should have basic knowledge about viral anatomy and classification of virus and clinical condition produced by virus.

Examples of topics that might be included

·      Herpes virus infection

·      HPV infection

·      Measles

·      Chickenpox

9. Urticaria and purpura

You should able to answer questions on the various aspects of urticaria uuid plirpura.

Examples of topics that might be included

·      Urticaria







·      Purpura Definition Classification




10. Fungus


You should have basic knowledge about fungus

·      Definition


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