Hyperhidrosis(excessive sweeting): Symptom, Cause, Type, Diagnosis and Treatment | Doctors Gang

What is Hyperhidrosis?

What is Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating)?
Excessive sweating of the Palm

Hyperhidrosis is abnormally excessive sweating that’s not normally related to heat. It may sweat so much amounts that it soaks through our clothes or drips off our hands. Besides disrupting our normal daily activities, this type of excessive sweating can cause anxiety disorder (social anxiety) and embarrassment.

Hyperhidrosis treatment usually done by strength antiperspirants. If antiperspirants do not help, you may need to try different medicine and therapies under registered physician. In severe cases,Physician may suggest surgical treatment either to remove the sweat glands or to disconnect the nerves which are responsible for the overproduction of sweat.

Symptoms of Hyperhidrosis 

Most people sweat when they exercise or hevy works, are in a hot environment, or are dipresed or under stress. The excessive sweating experienced with hyperhidrosis exceeds than normal physiological sweating.

The type of hyperhidrosis that usually affects the upper limbs,Lower limbs, underarms or face causes at least one times a week, during waking hours. And the sweating typically occurs on both sides of the body.

Type of Hyperhidrosis 

A.primary hyperhidrosis 

  1. Idiopathic 
  2. Focal hyperhidrosis 
  3. Genarelised hyperhidrosis

2.Secondary Hyperhidrosis 

Secondary hyperhidrosis occurs due to Secondary cause such as Diabetes mellitus, hyperthyroidism etc.

When to see a physician for hyperhidrosis 

Sometimes excessive sweating is a symptom of a serious medical condition.

Seek immediate medical attention 
if your
1)heavy sweating +lightheadedness +chest pain or nausea.

See your physician if:
Sweating disturb your daily routine and activities.

If Sweating causes emotional distress or social withdrawal.

Causes of excessive sweeting

Sweating is your body’s normal mechanism to cool itself.the nervous system automatically triggers sweat glands when the body temperature rises. Sweating normally occurs among us, especially on your palms, when you are nervous and dipresed.

The most common form of hyperhidrosis is called primary focal hyperhidrosis or Primary essential hyperhidrosis. With this type, the nerves responsible for signaling the sweat glands to become overactive, even though they haven’t been stimulated by physical activity or a increase in temperature. With stress or nervousness of the patients, the problem becomes even bad or worse. This type usually affects palms and soles and sometimes face.

There is no medical cure for this type of hyperhidrosis. It may have a hereditary or genetic component, because it is sometimes familial.

Secondary hyperhidrosis occurs when excess sweating is due to a other disease. It is not common type. It is more likely to cause sweating whole body. The diseases Conditions that may lead to heavy sweating include:

  • Diabetes
  • Menopause hot flashes
  • Thyroid problems
  • Nervous system disorders
  • Low blood sugar
  • Some types of cancer
  • Heart attack
  • Infections
  • Certain medications inducrd heavy sweating, as can opioid withdrawal

Complications of hyperhidrosis

Complications of hyperhidrosis include:


Social and emotional disturbance.

Treatment of Hyperhidrosis 

  • Antiperspirant 
  • Sometimes used botulinum toxin ( Botox).
  • Treatment of secondary medical conditions.
  • Sage tea
  • Tactical breathing for tension relief 
Doctors Gang
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