Gangrene – Symptoms, Causes and Treatment – Doctors Gang

What is Gangrene?

Gangrene it is a clinical conditions in which body tissue are death due to lack of blood supply or ischemia or severe infection. 

Type of Gangrene 

Gangrene are three types
  1. Dry Gangrene(Lack of arterial blood supply)  
  2. Moist or wet Gangrene (lack of arterial and venous blood supply) 
  3. Gas Gangrene (Due to clostridium perfringes)

Dry Gangrene VS moist Gangrene 

TraitsDry GangreneMoist Gangrene
CauseLack of artery supply. Venous supply arr normal.Lack of both arterial and venous supply.
Nature  DryWet
Smell FoulFoul
Infection present Usually NotYes
Demarcation line ×
Blebs or Crepitation×
Spreed  SlowRapid
PrognosisMay be fatalUsually fatal
Location exposed area of body limbsInternal organ
More read Dry Gangrene moist Gangrene

1. Dry Gangrene 

Dry Gangrene occurs due to lack of arterial blood supply, and it commonly affect the exposed part of the Limbs.
In dry Gangrene, 
  1. Lack of arterial blood supply 
  2. Dry
  3. Foul smells
  4. Common site is limbs
  5. Demarcation line present
  6. Blebs or crepitation absence 
  7. Slow spreed
  8. It maybe fatal

2. Moist Gangrene 

Moist Gangrene occurs due to lack of both arterial & venous blood supply, and it commonly affect the internal organ of the body. 
exposed part of the Limbs.
In moist Gangrene, 
  1. Lack of arterial and venous blood supply 
  2. Wet
  3. Foul smells
  4. Common site is internal organ such as intestine, colon etc
  5. Demarcation line absent
  6. Blebs or crepitation present
  7. Rapid spreed
  8. It usually fatal

3. Gas Gangrene 

Gas Gangrene caused by clostridium perfringes, an anaerobic bacteria. 
Doctors Gang
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