Best Neurologist in Rangpur : Neuromedicine & Neurosurgery Specialist

Best Neurologist in Rangpur Doctor list

Best neurologist in Rangpur,  neuromedicine and neurosurgery doctor list Rangpur
Best Neurologist in Rangpur
Neurosurgery Specialist in Rangpur

Dr Tofael Hossain Bhuiyan

MBBS, BCS(health), Brain, Nerve and Spine Specialist and Neurosurgeon, Professor and Head of Department, Department of Neurosurgery, Rangpur Medical College and Hospital,Rangpur.


Doctors Clinic Rangpur

Visiting time: 2pm to 4pm (daily)

Appointment number : 01733-746440

Central Clinic Rangpur

Appointment no : 01722254558

Visiting time : 4pm Fri)

Apollo Diagnostic Center Rangpur

Visiting time: 4pm to 10pm (Sun, Tue, Thu)

Appointment no :01733008088

Dr. Rajkumar

Brain, Nerve and Spine Specialist Surgeons, MBBS, FCPS, MS (Neurosurgery)
Associate Professor, Department of Neurosurgery,Rangpur Medical College and Hospital.
Chamber location :popular diagnostic Center, Unit 1

Contact no for appointment: hotline no of popular diagnostic Center Rangpur.

Visiting time: 3pm to 8pm

Visiting days:Saturday to Thursday (closed on Fridays)

Dr. Mst. Shamima Sultana (Subarna)

MBBS, BCS, MS (Neurosurgery)
Neurosurgeon (Brain, Nerve and Spine Surgeon), Department of Neurosurgery, Rangpur Medical College and Hospital.
Chamber location :popular diagnostic Center Rangpur, unit 1
contact no for app, Unit 2
Contact number for appointment : hotline no of popular diagnostic Center Rangpur.
Visiting time:  4pm to 8pm

Visiting days : Saturday to Wednesday   (Closed on Thursdays and Fridays)

Dr Md Habibur Rahman Habib

MBBS, MS(neurosurgery), BCS.

Neurosurgery specialist.

Assistant Professor, neurosurgery department in Rangpur medical College hospital.

Chamber and serial no: Labaid diagnostic center Rangpur

Neuromedicine Specialist in Rangpur 

Dr. Md. Emdadul

MBBS, MD (Neurology)
Specialist in Brain, Spine and Neurology,

Headache, tension headache and migraine, and strock medicine specialist.
Assistant Professor, Department of Neuromedicine, Rangpur Medical College and Hospital.
Chamber : popular diagnostic Center Rangpur, unit 1
contact no for app, Unit 1
Contact no for appointment  : 01743012279
Visiting time : 3:30 pm to 9pm

Visiting days: Saturday to Thursday (closed on Fridays)

Dr. Sukumar Roy

MBBS, BCS, FCPS (Medicine), MD (Neuromedicine) Brain, Spine, Medicine and Neurology Specialist,

Headache, tension headache and migraine, and strock medicine specialist.
Assistant Professor, Department of Neuromedicine, Rangpur Medical College and Hospital.
Chamber location :popular diagnostic Center Rangpur, Unit 1
Contact no for appointment   : 01944447910
Visiting time : 3pm to 8pmSaturday to Thursda & Friday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Dr. Prashant Roy

MD (Neurology) Medicine and Neuromedicine Specialist,

Headache, tension headache and migraine, and strock medicine specialist.
Consultant Medicine and Neurologist,
Professor and Head of Department, Department of Neuromedicine, Rangpur Medical College and Hospital.
Chamber location : popular diagnostic Center Rangpur, Unit 2
Contact no for appointment: 01944447910
Visiting time : 4pm to 9pm Saturdayto Thursday & Friday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Dr Md Shafiqul Islam

MBBS, MD(neurology), M phill(EM)
Neurology specialist in Rangpur.
Assistant Professor of Neurology Department of Rangpur medical College hospital.
Chamber and appointment info:Labaid diagnostic center Rangpur 

Dr Asfak Ahmed


Consultant, neurology Department,Rangpur medical College and hospital.

Chamber location :Update Diagnostic Center, Rangpur.  

হাত পা ঝিনঝিন, পা অবশ হয়ে যায় কি? তাহলে দ্রুত জেনে নিন Peripheral Neuropathy সম্পর্কে

আরো জানুন: ইন্ডিয়া চিকিৎসা করানো নিয়ে কিছু গুরুত্বপূর্ণ টিপস (Tips on Medical Treatment in India)

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