Microbiology Viva Question for MBBS students in Bangladesh

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MBBS examination Microbiology Viva Model Question and suggestions
27 Model Question of Parasitology and immunology

MBBS examination Microbiology Viva Model Question and suggestions

All Question are collected from third professional MBBS examination of Rangpur Medical College. And Edited by Noman Islam Nirob. 

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25 Model Question of Bacteriology and Virology

Professional MBBS viva Question Board 1
Subject:pathology (Bacteriology + Virology)

Paper 1
Branches of microbiology, essential and non essential components of bacteria, functions of capsule, name some capsulated bacteria, differences between gram positive and gram negative, define toxin, define colony, examples of indicator media, Mac Conkey’s agar media te kon bacteria culture kori, cell wall synthesis inhibiting antibiotics, mechanism of penicillin,Corynebacterium diptheriae’r morphology, kon disease kore?
Window period, importance, Elaboration of HIV, opportunistic infections in AIDS, complications of mumps.

See : Lange Review of Medical Microbiology & Immunology

Professional MBBS viva Question Paper 2
Subject:pathology (Bacteriology + Virology)

What is prokaryotes ; eukaryotes;difference ki?
Nucleoid ki? Antigenic shift;drift; orthomyxo virus family er member ke??segmented virus ki ki?HIV window period r dx.

Professional MBBS viva Question Paper 3
Subject:pathology (Bacteriology + Virology)

What is prokaryotes ; eukaryotes;difference ki?
Nucleoid ki? Antigenic shift;drift; orthomyxo virus family er member ke??segmented virus ki ki?HIV window period r dx.

Professional MBBS viva Question Paper 4
Subject:pathology (Bacteriology + Virology)

Ki xm dite ascho… microbiology defi..
Branch of microbiology… primitive nucleus ki…etak ki bole…nucleoid meaning ki… classification of s.aureus…culture finding of s.aureus….
Virus defi…light microscope e ki ki r dekhte pabo(pox virus and inclusion)… examples of inclusion….Rabies virus shape kmn, structure, transmission, management,ek jaigai ig r vaccine dile ag-ab reaction hobe…

Professional MBBS viva Question Paper 5
Subject:pathology (Bacteriology + Virology)

Ki xm dite asxho , Define bacteria , eukaryote , prokayote,essential structure ,function of them, cell wall component , importance ,spore , steps , importance , gene transfer , sterilization , method ,autoclave details ,antimicrobials , cell wall inhibiting er mechanism ,
H.ducrei ,chancroid , dx ,culture

Define virus , why acellular,morphology/ criteria,difference bet virus bacteria , structure of virus , replication site , step , viral interference with eg , hepatitis B virus er sob , dengue er strain ,

Professional MBBS viva Question Paper 6.
Subject:pathology (Bacteriology + Virology)

Ki xm dite asxho , Define bacteria , eukaryote , prokayote,essential structure ,function of them, cell wall component , importance ,spore , steps , importance , gene transfer , sterilization , method ,autoclave details ,antimicrobials , cell wall inhibiting er mechanism ,
H.ducrei ,chancroid , dx ,culture

Define virus , why acellular,morphology/ criteria,difference bet virus bacteria , structure of virus , replication site , step , viral interference with eg , hepatitis B virus er sob , dengue er strain ,

Professional MBBS viva Question Paper 7
Subject:pathology (Bacteriology + Virology)

Bacteria-difference btwn prockaryotic and eukaryotic.classification of bacteria.kon bacteria dekte kmon.staphylococcus keno clusster form e thake. Streptococci keno chain form a thake.streptococci er classification. Madam typable nontypable ei classification shunte chaice.streptococcus pyogens er disease gula.
‌Virus-interference ki.example. Recrudence ki.antigenic drift,shift.kontar vaccine tairi kora zay na.

Professional MBBS viva Question Paper 8
Subject:pathology (Bacteriology + Virology)

branch of microbiology
define growth curve
phase and elaborately sob.
Bacteria dekhar jonno ki korbo?
PCR kora hocche ekhn khuv emn ekta disease?
ki dhoroner virus?
r kon virus pandemic kore?
influenza type
shift and drift
corona virus vaccine ki basis kore banacche?
oncogenic virus kongula?
Herpes virus kon ta ki kore?

Professional MBBS viva Question Paper 9
Subject:pathology (Bacteriology + Virology)

Microorganism def,microscope e ki ki dekha jay,culture media ki ki ase, selective +indicator media er example, kon bacteria culture kora hoy, selective agent r indicator agent ki, lactose fermenter r non fermenter guli ki clr produce kore, kno kore,salmonella shigella proteus alada korbo kivabe,virus er def, virus kivabe ber hoy cell theke (budding r cytolysis),koyta ber hoy(numerous), staphylococcus er diseases,staph cluster r strpto chain kno,measles er complications +kader hoy, mumps complication.

Professional MBBS viva Question Paper 10
Subject:pathology (Bacteriology + Virology)

Ki xm dite ascho?ata ki define kra jay? Branches
Streptococcus type..strep pneuminia diseases.. Culture..kicabe bujhbo..colony kmn hbe..pyogen er disease, cultute..
N.gonorrhoea ki krbe..culture..specimen..
Cytopathic effect..ki hbe..multinucleated giant cell kivabe hoy. Kon virus e pabo…inclusion body..type..virus..negri bodies..kon virus e pabo..ata ki disease kre..wound management..r mne nei

Professional MBBS viva Question Paper 11
Subject:pathology (Bacteriology + Virology)

1.Define sterilization, Disinfectant, Antiseptic.
2.Classify sterilization. Moist heat দিয়ে sterilize করা হয় এরকম Method এর নাম বলো.
3.What is Tyndalization.
4.Salmonella virus নাকি Bacteria😑.কী Disease করে.Lab diagnosis of Enteric fever.
5.WIDAL test কেন 2nd week এ করবো.Blood culture কেন 1st week এ করবো.
4.What is virus.Virus এর replication কোথায় হয়.
5.Type of Influenza virus.কোনটা বেশী Notorious & কেনো.
6.What is antigenic Shift.What is reassortment.
7.Replication procedure of Influenza virus.

Professional MBBS viva Question Paper 12
Subject:pathology (Bacteriology + Virology)

detonation, prokaryotic, eukaryotic definition+criteria, non essential components of bacteria, flagella in details, sterilization in details, spore defination

Systemic bacteriology :
Syphilis ke kore, lab diagnosis, tests, vdrl vs tpha konta kno kora hoy (in details)

Polio virus (everything)
Mechanism + diagnosis

Professional MBBS viva Question Paper 13
Subject:pathology (Bacteriology + Virology)

1) Procaryotic cell বলতে কি বোঝো
2) Bacterial cell এর essential components, periplasmic space এর importance, এখানে থাকে এমন একটা enzyme এর নাম বলো
3) Culture, media definition. Both selective & indicator হিসাবে কাজ করে কোন media, কোনটা selective হিসাবে কাজ করে, কোনটা indicator হিসাবে কাজ করে, Mac conkey’s agar কি কালার দেবে? কোন গুলা দেবে, Lactose non farmenters এর নাম গুলা, proteus কিভাবে চিনবো( swarming growth শুনতে চায়)
4) কোন কোন Hepatitis এর ভ্যাক্সিন আছে? Hepa B এর ভ্যাক্সিন নিলে এটা আর কোন hepatitis virus কে prevent করবে? কেনো করবে?
5) HIV এর diagnosis
6) Treponema pallidum এর diagnosis, VDRL এর value কি 0 হইতে পারে?

Professional MBBS viva Question Paper 14
Subject:pathology (Bacteriology + Virology)

culture media ki,aita kore koi rakhbo(incubator e)aita temperature koto,culture koraer por treatment deoar aghe ki korbo(antibiotic sensitivity test),sterilization er defi,tyndalization ki,kun ta te beshi temperature(hot air oven),koto minute dore,aita kise use kora hoi,autoclave kise kora hoi.streptococcus er classification,ki ki diseases kore,post streptococcal disease.
human body te kibabe infect kore,HHP-8 er name ki,kaposis sarcoma kiser sathe rltd,HIV te kokkhan habe,imunnosupression kokhan habe.

Professional MBBS viva Question Paper 15
Subject:pathology (Bacteriology + Virology)

Bacteria component.,different Between gram positive & negetive cell wall,periplasmic space r important,mesosome r function,b lactame r function,cornebacteria diagnostic full.,
Virus def, virus interference, measles complications 15 yr e konta hoi.,vaccines polio vaccine r dose

Professional MBBS viva Question Paper 16

Subject:pathology (Bacteriology + Virology)

1.microorganism কী?
2.cell types
3.bacteria r essential structure
4.sterilization কী?
5. tyndalization?
6.Auto clave,
7.staphylococcus দেখতে কেমন?
streptococcus kmn?

8. Streptococcus ki disease করে,
Rheumatic fever mechanism?

9.neisseria gonorrhea ki disease? ,
Children ki kore?
10. N gonorrhea lav diagnosis

12.influenza type?
World wide konta?

13.viral reassortment?
14.viral interference!

Professional MBBS viva Question Paper 17
Subject:pathology (Bacteriology + Virology)

ki xm dite ashcho? microbiology ki, branches, virus defi, rabies virus, dekhte kemon ,type, management of bite,

bacteria ki, structure, function, dekhte kemon , staph disease.

ma’am akta ans dile link kore onek choto choto ques kortese. maximum i mone nai. but shob i superficial.

Professional MBBS viva Question Paper 18
Subject:pathology (Bacteriology + Virology)

Microbiology te use kora jinishpotro kivabe jibanumukto kore, sterilization def, filtration k ki sterilization bola jabe kina( na, karon spore kill korte parena), spore killing procedure gular nam, konta ideal, hot air oven er temperature, kongula sterilize kora jai, media def, selective and indicator both kon media +selectivity maintainer r indicator er nam, lactose fermenting, non fermenting konta ki color dei, shigella salmonellar difference, proteus kamon dekha jabe blood agar e.

Virus definition, inclusion body def, owl eye appearance er inclusion body kothay pawa jai(CMV), CMV kon group er moddhe pore, Kaposi’s sarcoma kore kon herpes virus, eta kon condition e hoy, opportunistic infection bolte ki bujho, HIV te ki hoy jar jonno opportunistic infection hoy?(CD4 cell count kome) koto kome? (<200/cumm of blood), HIV te ki infection houar por por e ki AIDS hoy?, stages, ARC r symptom gular nam, HIV diagnosis.
#General bact:defi culture media,,media prepare korar por kothay rakhba, incubator er temp. koto,,Blood culture kivabe hypersensitivity kora hoy?blood culture kise kora hoy? Enteric fever kon bacteria kore? salmonella kon media te culture korba, Mac Conkey’s a kI color dibe,,pale color r kon bacteria dey,,tahole salmonella theke shigella, proteus k alada korba kivabe?

virus er structure, envelope kotha theke ase,,replication kothay hoy,,pseudovirus ki,importance ki,,,,viral disease a drug dileo 7din na dileo 7 din kno bola hoy(bolchilam virus decline hoy,,kno kivabe hoy?)
HIV Dx….

Professional MBBS viva Question Paper 19
Subject:pathology (Bacteriology + Virology)

Ki xam dite ascho? Virus Bacteria microorganism naki na?
Basic difference between virus and bacteria.
Konta light microscope e dekha jay konta dekha jay na?
Virus ki diye dekhe? Light microscope e kon virus dekha jay?
Symmetry of capsid? Complex kontay thake( Small Pox)
Viral replication e enzymatic protein age hoy naki structural protein? Keno enzymatic protein age hoy?
STD transmitted by bacteria ki ki ase?
Treponema pallidum diagnose kmne korbo? VDRL er importance ki? Eitar value ki zero hoite pare?
TPHA er value kmn thake(Once positive always positive)
How will you diagnose HIV?

Learn: Pharmacology Viva Question for MBBS Students in Bangladesh

Professional MBBS viva Question Paper 20
Subject:pathology (Bacteriology + Virology)

Staining ki ki ase,negative staining ki diye kore,kar khetre kore,culture media def,koto temperature e culture kore,culture plate ta ready korar por kothay rakhte hobe (incubator e) ,,culture kora ses hole next step ki,ki korba (antibiotics sensitivity test kore treatment shuru korte hobe),, N.gonorrhoeae er lab diagnosis,kno endocervical swab neya hoy, Herpes virus koyta,kongula carcinoma kore,kaposi’s sarcoma kothay hoy,AIDS er diagnosis.

Professional MBBS viva Question Paper 21
Subject:pathology (Bacteriology + Virology)

Microbiology er classification.
Plasmid ki, function.
Culture sensitivity test keno kora hoy.
Growth er defintion. Growth curve er phase, stationary phase e ki hy.
Indicator r selective media konta, name of indicator.
Mcconkey media te ki culture korbe.
Measles kader hy, complications.
Shingles, ki, ekhane ki hy(nerve pain).

Professional MBBS viva Question Paper 22
Subject:pathology (Bacteriology + Virology)

Ki ki topic er xm dite ashso ei board e…bacterial growth ki..binary fission ki…bacterial growth curve,koita phase,ki ki,log phase er importance,Cell wall acting antibiotic kivabe ekhane kaj kore….bacterial spore er definition,Germination er stage,kon stage e ki hoy…spore forming bacteria…
Structure of virus,kothai theke envelop toiri hoy,
Anti viral drugs.

Professional MBBS viva Question Paper 23
Subject:pathology (Bacteriology + Virology)

*bacteria defi
Sterilization defi
Autoclave ar temp, pressure, time, use
Sharp cutting instrument keno autoclaving a kora hoy na
Sporicidal process ar nam..
*virus- defi, criteria, keno obligate intracellular, structure, envelop ar sathe replication ar ki somporko(budding ar maddome release hoy)
Budding kothai theke hoy, replication ar steps,
Viral protein at nam, replication ar kon stage a toiri hoy,
HBV ar type, kn kn hepatitis ar vaccine ache..

Professional MBBS viva Question Paper 24
Subject:pathology (Bacteriology + Virology)

-What are the essential structures of Bacteria?
– Bacteria Nucleoid ki diye toiri? (Both DNA & RNA)
– Virus er nuclear substance?? (Only DNA or RNA)
– Is the cell wall of Gram Positive and Negative bacteria same in thickness? (Gram positive Thick)
– Difference between them
– Periplasmic space a ki thake?? Beta lactamase enzyme ki kore? (Breaks down Beta Lactam Ring of Beta Lactam antibiotics) tahle ki hoy? (Bacterial Drug Resistance)
– What is Spore??
– Suitable environment a spore convert hoye ki hoy? (Vegetative state of bacteria)
– Germination er steps (Activation, Initiation, Out growth)
-Activation ki ki diye hoy (Heat, Low pH)
-What are the characteristics of Herpes?
– Congenital kon gulo kore? (HSV-2, CMV)
– What is shingle? (Reactivation of Chicken Pox)
-Kader hoy? (Adult)
– Keno reactivation hoy? ( Due to latency of HHV)
– Shingles a ki paoa jay? (Maculo-papular Rash, Nerve pain)
– Criteria of Nerve Pain? (The pain is so severe that the patient sometimes attempt suicide.. so, Suicidal Pain)
– Kon Herpes virus kono disease korena?? (HHV-7)
– HHV-7 er arekta nam ki? (Roseola Virus)
– What are the staphylococcus?
– dekhte kmn?? (Spherical.. Gram Positive)
– ki ki disease kore?
– Enterotoxin a ki ki disease hoy? (Food poisoning. Diarrhoea & Vomiting)
-Kon type er vomit hoy? (Projectile Vomiting)
– What is projectile vomiting? ( Projection akare gastric content ber hoye dure jeye porbe)
– Keno projectile Vomiting hoy? (Ami Reverse Peristalsis bolechi, but madam answer thik niyechen kina janina. Bolenai kichu ei niye).

Professional MBBS viva Question Paper 25
Subject:pathology (Bacteriology + Virology)

Toxin def, diff b/w exotoxin & endotoxin
essential components of bacteria, function of mesosome & ribosome, cell wall diff b/w gram positive & negative, spore def, process of germination of spore,
Sexually transmitted disease caused by bacteria, morphology of Treponema (movement ta shunte chay), lab dx of T. pallidum,
Seromarkers of hepatitis virus, HbeAg er indication ki.

27 Model Question of Parasitology and immunology

Question Paper 1

Define parasite, classify parasite, entamoeba histolytica’r ki ki form ache, kon ta infective form, extraintestinal lesions kothay kothay hoy, malaria kon mosquito diye hoy, sand fly diye ki hoy, encystation, kothay hoy, name some nematodes.
Candida ki kore, cells of innate immunity, function of NK cell, extracellular or intracellular killing? Graft ki ki ache? Graft rejection prevent korar jonno ki ki test korbo?
2nd board Rupom sir..question krsen external sir.
Define parasite, classify..then classify protozoa..common sporozoite..plasmodium er life cycle er stage..kon stage e fever hoy.. Common organism of skin infection..candida skin e infect korle ki sample nibo..skin slit kothay nite hoy..
Thank you

Question Paper 2

Define parasite, classify..then classify protozoa..common sporozoite..plasmodium er life cycle er stage..kon stage e fever hoy.. Common organism of skin infection..candida skin e infect korle ki sample nibo..skin slit kothay nite hoy..

Question Paper 3

Kalajar…k kore…r ki disease kore…pkdl er stage koita…dx… hypersensitivity classify.. cutaneous mycosis kara kore…kotha theke specimen nibo…oral thrush k kore…kotha theke specimen nibo…

Professional MBBS viva Question Paper 4
Subject:pathology (Parasitology+immunology+mycology)

-Def parasite
-name some protozoa
-Entamoeba histolytica:site of encystation excystation
-Intestinal nematode:name

-Cells of innate and acquired immunity
-How to prevent Graft vs host reaction,which drugs r used
-Tests done before transplantation
-U cant take a graft from ur parents but cant take from ur siblings…cause in case of parents there is 50% similarity, u need 60% at least for transplant

Professional MBBS viva Question Paper 5
Subject:pathology (Parasitology+immunology+mycology)

What is immunity , component of innate immunity,cells , apc ,antigen , immunogen , hapten , alternate pathway of complement activation ,type1 hypersensitivity er eg. cells -ig involved , ag-ab reaction in vitro , eg of agglutination ,

Define parasite & protozoa(motile bola jabe na) , classification, infective form of e.histolytica , giardia , t.vaginalis , plasmodium,filaria , hook worm , sexual contact e kon protozoa pass hoy , giardia er morphology , leishmania dx , tissue nematode ki ki ache , filaria dx ,

Mycosis ki , superficial cutaneous sub cutaneous systemic fungi er name , fungus er culture media ,time

Professional MBBS examination viva Question Paper 6
Subject:pathology (Parasitology+immunology+mycology)‌

Parasite- Kalaazar er vector,kon system er disease. Kon blood cell effect kore.lab diagnosis.
‌Filariasis.type,difference. infective form.
‌Intestinal cestode er nam.E.granulosus er infective form.hydatid cyst rupture hole ki hobe.anaphylaxis hobe.kon type hypersensitivity
‌Immunity-type 1 example.kon cell,immunoglobulin. IgA er type distribution. IgM keno placenta cross korte pare na.
‌Fungus-opportunistic fungus.oral thrus er lab diagnosis.

Professional MBBS viva Question Paper 7
Subject:pathology (Parasitology+immunology+mycology)

soil e ache emn protozoa?
E histolytica and giardia
er disease and site.
dhakai kon malaria?
kon ta kharap?
relapse na konta? kno relapse na.
tenia sagina and solium
infective form, indermediate host.
konta kharap? kno kharap?
define complement? koto dhoroner ache? complement pathway ki ki ache?
alternative pathway k activate kore?
morphological type of fungus?
opportunistic fungus name?
skin srapping microscope e dekhar jonno ki dibo?

Professional MBBS viva Question Paper 8
Subject:pathology (Parasitology+immunology+mycology)

Protozoa def,5ta protozoa r name,trichomonas motile na nonmotile, motile ki diye, infective form ki, kno 1ta form,ki disease, erokom disease kore r kon fungus r bacteria , cestodes ki ki, infective form, fish khle konta hoy, def host r intermediate host ki etar, kon diease kore, kothay thake,hypersensitivity r def, type 1ki ki cell thake +Ig ki?type 2+4 er xmple ,, contact dermatitis kise hoy?

Professional MBBS viva Question Paper 9
Subject:pathology (Parasitology+immunology+mycology)

Parasite def..host..protozoa..metazoa..oral imfection kre kara..entamoeba histolylica form..infective konta..kothay disease kre. Ki ki disease..giardia kothay kre..thread worm konta..ki kre..kivabe transmit hoy..kader beshi hoy..kno..cestod ki..tenia solium r saginata konta kharap..kno..larvar form of both..larva ki kre..cystecercosis ki diye hbe..
Superficial fungus..ki kre..dimorphic fungus.
Immunity def..effect gulo..hypersensitivy..cell mediate konta..example.. Complement kothay hoy..pathway..konta age hoy..r kheyal nai,

Professional MBBS viva Question Paper 10
Subject:pathology (Parasitology+immunology+mycology)

1.Define Host,Classify host.
2.Intermediate host কাকে বলে(Larval stage+ asexual stage).
3.Man এ asexual stage আছে এরকম ১ টা & larval stage আছে এরকম ১ টা parasite এর নাম বলো.
4.Malaria এর Asexual stage গুলার নাম বলো.কোন stage এর জন্য Relaps হয়.Relaps হবে না কোনটাতে.
Plasmodium falciparum কেনো Most dangerous.
5.Complications of Falciparum Malaria. Types of Pernicious malaria.
6.E.histolytica এর infective form.কোন route এ entry করে.কোথায় lesions produce করে.Invade করবে কী না.কোন Layer অবধি invade করে.Invade করবে না কিন্তু Lesion করবে কোনটা(G.intestinalis).
7.Intestine এ পাবা এ রকম Nematode এর নাম বলো.A.Lumbricoides এর Food কী.
8.Intestine এর কিছু Cestode এর নাম বলো.T.soleum & T.saginata এর মধ্যে কোনটা বেশী Dangerous.
9.Liver এ Disease করবে এরকম Cestode এর নাম.Hydatid cyst diagnosis এর জন্য কী Liver থেকে Aspiration নিতে পারবো(পারবো না).যদি নেই তাহলে কী হবে.নেওয়া যাবে কোন ক্ষেত্রে(E.histolytica).
10.Hydatid fluid এর composition.
1.Fungal disease গুলাকে এক কথায় কী বলবা.কী কী আছে নাম বলো.
2.Opportunistic infection করে এরকম Fungus এর নাম বলো.কী কী infection করবে.
4.Opportunistic Infection কখন হয়.Infection ছাড়া কী Immunosuppression হইতে পারে.কখন হবে(Due to Broad spectrum Antibiotics +Corticosteroid).
4.Moniliasis এর Cause.
1.Antibody কী কী আছে.
2.Monomeric IgM কই থাকে.
3.Immunoglobulin কোথায় তৈরী হয়.
4.Liver এ তৈরী হয় এরকম কিছু Protein নাম.
6.Complement কোথায় তৈরী হয়.complement deficiency হইলে কী হবে.
5.Autoimmunity কখন Develope করবে,immunosuppression হইলে নাকি immunocompetent এ

Professional MBBS viva Question Paper 11
Subject:pathology (Parasitology+immunology+mycology)

Parasitology : protozoa r definition, metazoa r classification, intestinal gula r nam kaj infective form, g. Instestainalis in (detalis)
Leishmania r diseases, diphyllobothrium latum host + site, enterobias varmicularis (detalils)

Mycology: morphological classification, dimorphic er exmple, eta koi thake, ki kore?

Immunology : all about ig (G,A,M,E,D)
Distribution, function, defination of immunoglobulin, dfrnc btwn antibody and immunoglobulin.

Professional MBBS viva Question Paper 12
Subject:pathology (Parasitology+immunology+mycology)

1) Define host
2) মানুষ intermediate host, এমন কিছু parasite এর নাম বলো
3) Plasmodium এর species গুলার নাম কি?
4) কোনটা dangerous, কেনো?
5) Malaria এর দুইটা স্টেজের নাম, আর কি নাম আছে? (shizogony, sporogony শুনতে চায়)
6) Giardia কি disease করে, কোথায় করে, এটার trophozoite দেখতে কেমন? কয়টা nucleas থাকে? (Both trophozoite & cyst এ)
7) Diphyllobothrium latum: এটা কি,কি disease করে?
8) Echinococcus granulosus: কি disease করে, hydatid cyst rupture হলে কি হবে?
9) Fungus এর morphological classification বলো, Mold এর নাম, Dimorphic fungus এর নাম, কেনো dimorphic বলা হয়, Opportunistic fungus এর নাম
10) Acquired immunity এর cell গুলার নাম, B cell এর function, NK cell এর function, Ig কয়টা আছে? কোনটা placenta cross করতে পারে?

Professional MBBS viva Question Paper 13
Subject:pathology (Parasitology+immunology+mycology)

protozoar defination,E.histolytical er excystation kuthai hoi,giardia er encystation kuthai hoi,E.histolytic er infective form.Giardia er infective form,kunta kun intestine e infect kore,amoebic and bacillary dycentry er differance,e.histolytica ki ki disease kore,filariasis ke kore,types,elepanthiasis kun type er,ovo-viviparous ki, kar hoi,hyperinfection er name suncho,oita ki,fish tape worm er scientific name,aita ki kore,kibabe anemia kore.

superficial fungus er name,malasezzia furfur ki kore,(ptyriasis versicolor),aitar lesion ta kmn,laboratory diagnosis,
hypersensitivity er defination,type 2 ke ki bole,kune immuglobulin diye hoi,example,eryrhobaltosis fetalis e kun ig kore,complement er type,classical e activate kore ke,tolerance er defi,aita valo na kharap,na hale ki hoi,autoimmunity er cause gula

Professional MBBS viva Question Paper 14
Subject:pathology (Parasitology+immunology+mycology)

parasite ki?non motile parasite? basa kothay?
Plasmodium er species …falciparam er complications?kno beshi dangerous?kalaazar er staining r culture? Ki ki form?patient ki ki presentation niye asbe?rangpur e konta hote pare mosha diye?vector name?kn system er disease kre?infective form?intestinal nematodes?small intestine er cestodes?Mycology:
Moniliasis k kre? Predisposing factors?oral thrust e ki specimen nibo?staining?
Immunology: cells of innate immunity?NK cells er function?extracellular na intracellular mechanism?intracellular mechanism e kre kongula?hypersensitivity-def ..type 1 er arek nam ..koy dhoroner..local r systemic er 2 ta kre example..immune response sob..
Hafiza madam(1st board):
Bacteria ki?toxin ki? Ki ki toxin produce kre?endotoxin r exotoxin er difference?clostridium tetani er characteristics….clinical features? Kon mediay culture?
Hepatotrophic viruses?r k k hepatitis kre?hepatitis B er seromarkers?HBcAg kn thake na blood e? HBeAg er indication?

Professional MBBS viva Question Paper 15
Subject:pathology (Parasitology+immunology+mycology)

Parasite def,classification, protozoa def,(motile part bola jabe na).,name some protozoa,filaria infective form,dx, sample collection ( night+ day),malaria transmission mosquite bite sara r kise hoi( blood transfusion)..
Complement koi toiri hoi(liver),alternative pathway r activator,
Skin fungal infection ( dermatofyte)..

Professional MBBS viva Question Paper 16
Subject:pathology (Parasitology+immunology+mycology)

2.protozoa? (Unicellular eukaryotic bolte bolche sir)

3. একটা psuedopod movement protozoa name?
Ki disease korbe?
Koi koi lession korbe?

4.flazella আছে এমন protozoa

5.hemoflajelet ki ki ache?

6.Giardia infective form
Ki korbe
Steatorrhea ki?
Er trohozoit dkhte kmn?

7. Cestode ki ki ache
Anemia knta korbe?
D.latum kivabe macrocytic kore?

8.E.granulous D host, I host,
Mnush e ki kore?
Hydatid cyst koi koi hy?

9. Ascaris infctive form
Ki ki kore?

10. Mycosis classification
11.Cutaneous ki ki ache

12.Dermarophyte ki ki ache?
Superficial ki ki?

13.Immunity classified
14.innate, acquired classify
15.TT,TIG konta ki?
16.MHC, types
17.CD 8+ r function?

18. Graft
Kidney transplant ki graft?

Professional MBBS viva Question Paper 17
Subject:pathology (Parasitology+immunology+mycology)

basha koi, dhakay ki hoite pare parasitic disease, hydatid cyst ki kore, E. histolytica ki kore, giardia ki kore, structure, koi thake, E. vermicularis koi thake

Hypersensitivity defi, type 2 er example, ki diye hoy, autoimmunity defi, mech, graft rejection , B cell function, secondary immunity er cell,Ig defi ,

sir 2 rao choto choto besh ques kore. amar ja mone ase tai likhlam r mone porle edit kore dibo.

Professional MBBS viva Question Paper 18
Subject:pathology (Parasitology+immunology+mycology)

Kisu protozoa r nam bolo jara disease kore, ami E.histolytica r giardia bolsi, E. Histolytica transmission route( oral bolte hobe), eder moddhe konta kothay disease kore, konta invasive, noninvasive, liver e disease kore emon cestode er nam bolo, ki kore, hydatid cyst rupture hole ki hobe, large intestinal nematode er nam, enterobius er infective form, trasmission route. Morphological classification of fungus, mould er nam, dermatophytes gular nam.

Immunology: (rupom sir dhorsen)
Hypersensitivity def, type 1 er arekta nam ki, ekhane kon antibody kaj kore, kon cell kaj kore, type 1 er type gular nam ki with examples, primary and secondary mediators of anaphylaxis, functions of NK cell.

Professional MBBS viva Question Paper 19
Subject:pathology (Parasitology+immunology+mycology)

#Netrakona ki ki disease endemic hote pare?(Kala-azar,Malaria)..Durgapur border thakay bolche j kon maleria(hill area) hoy?
..Falciform malaria kno dangerous?pernicious maleria type,Dx er jonno blood kokhon collect korte hobe?Relapse hoy kon maleria? Rangpur a konta endemic,,Filaria type, route,vector, E.granulosus ki disease kore,,eita ki dhoroner nematode,,hydatid cyst ki kore,,liver er baire ki kore,,complication ki,,Largest nematode er name, eita kothay thake,Eye a kon nematode thake,,
skin a ki fungal disease hoy,,eitar jonno ki sample niba,(skin scraping), periphery na central theke?kno peripheri theke?
complement activation er koyta pathway,alternate pathway kivabe activate hoy,endoxin dara activate hole ki hobe?
complement deficiency diseases,,Type 1 hypersensitivity cell and Ig,,

Professional MBBS viva Question Paper 20
Subject:pathology (Parasitology+immunology+mycology)

What is host?Types of host? Manush kon kon disease e intermediate host thake?
Dhaka te Malaria hoile sheta kon variant hobe? Hilly area te hoile kon variant? Konta beshi dangerous? Kno dangerous? Complication of falciparum malaria? Pernicious malaria er type ki ki?
Kon kon nematode skin penetrate kore dhukbe?
Ancylostoma duodenale er infective form ki?
Vector borne nematode konta? Ki disease kore? Filaria er infective form ki?
What is Mycosis? Types? Cutaneous er example
Types of immunity? Types of immune response?
Kontay kon Immunoglobulin thake? Konta beshi time lage? Placenta kon immunoglobulin cross krte pare? Shochey beshi kon immunoglobulin ase? Shobchey boro kon immunoglobulin? Hypersensitivity reaction koy type er? Type 3 er example ki?

Professional MBBS viva Question Paper 21
Subject:pathology (Parasitology+immunology+mycology)

Protozoa def,non motile protozoa ki ki ase,motile kongula, trichomonas er form ki,cyst kno hoy na,basha kothay jiggesh korlo,thn bollo j,dhakay baire giye fuchka khaile kon protozoal infection hoite pare, entamoeba r giardia er ki ki form ase,konta kothay lesion kore,konta invasive,nematodes er nam,rangpur e kon nematode diye disease hoite pare,filaria koy dhoroner,kontay microfilaria blood e paowa jay, specimen kokhn nite hobe,DEC kno khaowano hoy, microfilaria ki blood cell er vitore thake naki baire (baire thake) ,cell er vitore thake emn parasite kongula,kon cell e thake,kala-azar bd er kon kon jaygay beshi paowa jay,ekta female kala-azar er pt ki symptoms niye ashbe
Fungal disease gula ke eksathe ki bole,mycosis er classification,,,ekjon er bronchial asthma ase ,she steroid nicche onk din dhore,tar kon fungal infection hoite pare,,candida infection er predisposing factors ki ki

Complement activation hoy kivabe, immunity classification,B cell er function,APC kongula,kar kase antigen present kore,kivabe kore, complement deficiency disorder ki ki

Professional MBBS viva Question Paper 22
Subject:pathology (Parasitology+immunology+mycology)

Oral route e diseases kore emn protozoa,Entamoeba te ekta amoeba theke koita amebule toiri hoy,cyst e koita nucleus thake,infective form ki,ki ki lesion kore,amoebic and bacillary dysentery er difference…Encystation kothai hoy..
Nematode er nam,large gut e konta paoa jai (Enterobius),Enterobius er egg dekhte kmn,kivabe transmission hoy,Nematode blood e kon cell count barai,Eosinophil ki dhoroner hypersensitivity kore,ekhane r kon cell kaj kore…type 3 hypersensitivity er example…kon Nematode Macrocytic anaemia kore..er intermediate host ki ki…
Yeast like fungus er nam.site of infection of C. albicans…oral thrush e ki sample nibo,Dermatophytosis e skin lesion hole ki specimen nibo.
#Rupom sir
Protozoa defi, plasmodium ar species, kn ta dangerous, Keno.. Tartian fever mane ki quartan fever ar mane ki
Cerebral malaria ar pathogenesis, aikhan theke ki hobe,
Akta nematode ar nam bolo je cerebral disease kore, (echinococcus granulosus)

Small cyst k produce kore-( teniea solium)
Large cyst k produce kore(echinococcus granulosus, hydratid cyst)

Cerebral disease kore amn fungus ar nam bolo,
Morphological classification of fungus, common skin disease kore kn fungus..

Anigen kake bole,
Protein r lipopolysaccaride antigen ar moddhe knta dangerous
Antigen body te ki produce kore,
Antibody kn cell produce kore,
B cell ar surface a kn immunoglobulin thake,
Monomaric na pentamaric,
Pentamaric kothai pauya jai.

Professional MBBS viva Question Paper 23
Subject:pathology (Parasitology+immunology+mycology)

– Definiton of Protozoa
– What are the Common protozoas
– Basha kothay(Rajshahi).. Rajshahi te tomar kon protozoal disease hote pare (Kala-azar)
– Vector er nam
– Oraganism er nam
– Infective form of the organism (Promastigote)
– Promastigote a ki flagella thake??
– kala-azar kon system er disease? (Reticuloendothelial system)
– Complications of kala-azar
– akbar valo hoye jaoar por abar hote pare ki? Hole tkhn seitake ki bole
– PKDL er diagnosis a specimen kotha theke nibo?? (Slit Skin Smear)
– Kala-azar ki culture kora jay? Kon media? (NNN media)

-What are the Intestinal Nematodes?
– Which nematode can cause a common disease in Rangpur? (W. bancrofti – Filariasis)
– Vector (Culex mosquito)
– Infective form
– W. bancrofti generally kothay thake? (Lymphnnode)
– RBC te ki thake? (Plasmodium)
– WBC te ki thake? (L. donovani)
– Filariasis a blood sample kokhn neoa hoy?? (DEC deoar 45min por.. otherwise Raat a from 10PM-4AM in W. bancrofti)

-What are the types of Hypersensitivity reactions?
– Type-1 kon cell diye hoy??
– Complement pathway ki ki ache?? Konta ki diye activate hoy??
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– Complement na thkle ki ki disease hoto??

Professional MBBS viva Question Paper 24
Subject:pathology (Parasitology+immunology+mycology)

Host def, parasite classification, protozoa example,
Plasmodium life cycle, stages of asexual phase, fever kon stage a hy, ki type fever: intermittent naki relapsing, koto ghonta por por hy,
Fungus morphological classification, example of yeast & yeast like, Crytococcus diye ki ki disease hy, Candida diye ki hy,
Immunity def, cells of innate immunity, hypersensitivity def, types, function of cytotoxic T cell, eta kon type hypersensitivity kre.

Professional MBBS viva Question Paper 25
Subject:pathology (Parasitology+immunology+mycology)

★define parasite,classification
*define protozoa,name some protozoa
-infective form,(mature quadrineucleated cyst)
– Disease
-infective form
– Disease
★name some intestinal nematode
-food ki
-er choto vai k(N.americana)
– ki disease kre
-ki type er anemia
-Megalobastic anemia k kre
-cystode na nematode
*morphological classification
*yeast like knta
*prolong oral intubation e ki hoy? K kre?
*Normal vaginal flora gulo ki
– moniliasis e PH bare na kme?
★innate immunity cell er nam
*function of neutrofil,macrophage, B cell,T cell
* APS cell er name,kake present kre
*fate of plasma cell
*autoimmune diseases gulor nam
*SLE kader beshi hoy

Professional MBBS viva Question Paper 26
Subject:pathology (Parasitology+immunology+mycology)

*define bacteria
*define spore,
*define germination
-spore k activation k kre
-spore forming bacteria er nam
★Clostridium tetani
-ki hoy
-s/s of tetanus
★cornebacterium diphtheria
-lab dx puro shunte chan
-special test ki & kno kra hoy
★define virus
-why highest state of parasitism
★Hepa-B er seromarker

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